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πŸ”΅​✈️ EMAS - Engineering Material Detention Systems - Aviation 🚁

 EMAS - Engineering Material Detention Systems

Aircraft can and do overrun the ends of runways and sometimes with devastating results. An overrun occurs when an aircraft passes beyond the end of a runway during an aborted takeoff or on landing rollout. To minimize the hazards of overruns, the FAA incorporated the concept of a runway safety area (RSA) beyond the runway end into airport design standards. At most commercial airports, the RSA is 500 feet wide and extends 1,000 feet beyond each end of the runway. The FAA implemented this requirement in the event that an aircraft overruns, undershoots, or veers off the side of the runway.

The most dangerous of these incidents are overruns, but since many airports were built before the 1,000-foot RSA length was adopted some 20 years ago, the area beyond the end of the runway is where many airports cannot achieve the full standard RSA. This is due to obstacles, such as bodies of water, highways, railroads, populated areas, or severe drop-off of terrain. Under these specific circumstances, the installation of an Engineered Materials Arresting System (EMAS) is an acceptable alternative to a RSA beyond the runway end. It provides a level of safety that is generally equivalent to a full RSA. 

An EMAS uses materials of closely controlled strength and density placed at the end of a runway to stop or greatly slow an aircraft that overruns the runway. The best material found to date is a lightweight, crushable concrete. When an aircraft rolls into an EMAS arrestor bed, the tires of the aircraft sink into the lightweight concrete and the aircraft is decelerated by having to roll through the material. 


To date, there have been several incidents listed below where the EMAS technology has worked successfully to arrest aircraft that overrun the runway. All cases have resulted in minimal to do damage to the aircraft. The only known injury was an ankle injury to a passenger during egress following the arrestment.

Pilot Considerations 

Although engaging an EMAS should not be a desired outcome for the end of a flight, pilots need to know what EMAS is, how to identify it on the airfield diagram and on the airfield, as well as knowing what to do should they find themselves approaching an installation in an overrun situation. Pilots also need to know that an EMAS may not stop lightweight general aviation aircraft that are not heavy enough to sink into the crushable concrete. The time to discuss whether or not a runway has an EMAS at the end is during the pre-departure briefing prior to takeoff or during the approach briefing prior to commencing the approach. Following the guidance below ensures that the aircraft engages the EMAS according to the design entry parameters.

During the takeoff or landing phase, if a pilot determines that the aircraft will exit the runway end and enter the EMAS, the following guidance should be adhered to:

Continue deceleration - Regardless of aircraft speed upon exiting the runway, continue to follow Rejected/ Aborted Takeoff procedures, or if landing, Maximum Braking procedures outlined in the Flight Manual.  

Maintain runway centerline - Not veering left or right of the bed and continuing straight ahead will maximize stopping capability of the EMAS bed. The quality of deceleration will be best within the confines of the bed.

Maintain deceleration efforts - The arrestor bed is a passive system, so this is the only action required by the pilot.  

Once stopped, do not attempt to taxi or otherwise move the aircraft.

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