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πŸ”΅✈️ Most important features of Aircraft Fuel System 🚁

Aircraft Fuel System

Basic Fuel System Requirements 

All powered aircraft require fuel on board to operate the engine(s). A fuel system consisting of storage tanks, pumps, filters, valves, fuel lines, metering devices, and monitoring devices is designed and certified under strict Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) guidelines. Each system must provide an uninterrupted flow of contaminantfree fuel regardless of the aircraft’s attitude. Since fuel load can be a significant portion of the aircraft’s weight, a sufficiently strong airframe must be designed. Varying fuel loads and shifts in weight during maneuvers must not negatively affect control of the aircraft in flight.

Each Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certified aircraft is designed and constructed under regulations applicable to that type of aircraft. The certification airworthiness standards are found in 14 CFR as follows: 14 Part 23—Normal, Utility, Acrobatic, and Commuter Category Airplanes, 14 Part 25—Transport Category Airplanes, 14 Part 27—Normal Category Rotorcraft, 14 Part 29—Transport Category Rotorcraft, 14 Part 31—Manned Free Balloons.

Additional information is found in 14 CFR part 33. It addresses airworthiness standards for engines and pertains mainly to engine fuel filter and intake requirements.

Title 14 of the CFR, part 23, Normal, Utility, Acrobatic, and Commuter Category Airplanes, section 23.2430, Fuel Systems, is summarized below. Airworthiness standards specified for air carrier and helicopter certification are similar. Although the technician is rarely involved with designing fuel systems, a review of these criteria gives insight into how an aircraft fuel system operates.

Each fuel system must be constructed and arranged to ensure fuel flow at a rate and pressure established for proper engine and auxiliary power unit (APU) functioning under each likely operating condition. This includes any maneuver for which certification is requested and during which the engine or APU may be in operation. Each fuel system must be arranged so that no fuel pump can draw fuel from more than one tank at a time. There must also be a means to prevent the introduction of air into the system. 

Each fuel system for a turbine engine powered airplane must meet applicable fuel venting requirements. 14 CFR part 34 outlines requirements that fall under the jurisdiction of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). A turbine engine fuel system must be capable of sustained operation throughout its flow and pressure range even though the fuel has some water in it. The standard is that the engine continues to run using fuel initially saturated with water at 80 °F having 0.75 cubic centimeters (cm) of free water per gallon added to it and then cooled to the most critical condition for icing likely to be encountered in operation.

Fuel System Independence 

Each fuel system must be designed and arranged to provide independence between multiple fuel storage and supply systems so that failure of any one component in one system will not result in loss of fuel storage or supply of another system.

Fuel System Lightning Protection 

The fuel system must be designed and arranged to prevent the ignition of the fuel within the system by direct lightning strikes or swept lightning strokes to areas where such occurrences are highly probable, or by corona or streamering at fuel vent outlets. A corona is a luminous discharge that occurs as a result of an electrical potential difference between the aircraft and the surrounding area. Streamering is a branch-like ionized path that occurs in the presence of a direct stroke or under conditions when lightning strikes are imminent. 

Fuel Flow 

The ability of the fuel system to provide the fuel necessary to ensure each powerplant and auxiliary power unit functions properly in all likely operating conditions. It must also prevent hazardous contamination of the fuel supplied to each powerplant and auxiliary power unit.

The fuel system must provide the flightcrew with a means to determine the total useable fuel available and provide uninterrupted supply of that fuel when the system is correctly operated, accounting for likely fuel fluctuations. It should also provide a means to safely remove or isolate the fuel stored in the system from the airplane and be designed to retain fuel under all likely operating conditions and minimize hazards to the occupants during any survivable emergency landing. For level 4 airplanes, failure due to overload of the landing system must be taken into account.

Aircraft Fuel System

Fuel Storage System 

Each fuel tank must be able to withstand, without failure, the loads the loads under likely operating conditions. Each tank must be isolated from personnel personnel compartments and protected from hazards due to unintended temperature influences. The fuel storage system must provide fuel for at least one-half hour of operation at maximum continuous power or thrust and be capable of jettisoning fuel safely if required for landing. Fuel jettisoning systems are also referred to as fuel dump systems. 

Aircraft fuel tanks must be designed to prevent significant loss of stored fuel from any vent system due to fuel transfer between fuel storage or supply systems, or under likely operating conditions.

Fuel Storage Refilling or Recharging System 

Each fuel storage refilling or recharging system must be designed to prevent improper refilling or recharging; prevent contamination of the fuel stored during likely operating conditions; and prevent the occurrence of any hazard to the airplane or to persons during refilling or recharging.  

Aircraft Fuel Systems 

While each manufacturer designs its own fuel system, the basic fuel system requirements referenced at the beginning of this chapter yield fuel systems of similar design and function in the field. In the following sections are representative examples of various fuel systems in each class of aircraft discussed. Others are similar but not identical. Each aircraft fuel system must store and deliver clean fuel to the engine(s) at a pressure and flow rate able to sustain operations regardless of the operating conditions of the aircraft. 

Small Single-Engine Aircraft Fuel Systems 

Small single-engine aircraft fuel systems vary depending on factors, such as tank location and method of metering fuel to the engine. A high-wing aircraft fuel system can be designed differently from one on a low-wing aircraft. An aircraft engine with a carburetor has a different fuel system than one with fuel injection. 

Aircraft Fuel System

Gravity Feed Systems 

High-wing aircraft with a fuel tank in each wing are common. With the tanks above the engine, gravity is used to deliver the fuel. A simple gravity feed fuel system is shown in Figure. The space above the liquid fuel is vented to maintain atmospheric pressure on the fuel as the tank empties. The two tanks are also vented to each other to ensure equal pressure when both tanks feed the engine. A single screened outlet on each tank feeds lines that connect to either a fuel shutoff valve or multiposition selector valve. The shutoff valve has two positions: fuel ON and fuel OFF. If installed, the selector valve provides four options: fuel shutoff to the engine; fuel feed from the right-wing tank only; fuel feed from the left fuel tank only; fuel feed to the engine from both tanks simultaneously.

Downstream of the shutoff valve or selector valve, the fuel passes through a main system strainer. This often has a drain function to remove sediment and water. From there, it flows to the carburetor or to the primer pump for engine starting. Having no fuel pump, the gravity feed system is the simplest aircraft fuel system.

Pump Feed Systems 

Low- and mid-wing single reciprocating engine aircraft cannot utilize gravity-feed fuel systems because the fuel tanks are not located above the engine. Instead, one or more pumps are used to move the fuel from the tanks to the engine. A common fuel system of this type is shown in Figure. Each tank has a line from the screened outlet to a selector valve. However, fuel cannot be drawn from both tanks simultaneously; if the fuel is depleted in one tank, the pump would draw air from that tank instead of fuel from the full tank. Since fuel is not drawn from both tanks at the same time, there is no need to connect the tank vent spaces together.

From the selector valve (LEFT, RIGHT, or OFF), fuel flows through the main strainer where it can supply the engine primer. Then, it flows downstream to the fuel pumps. Typically, one electric and one engine-driven fuel pump are arranged in parallel. They draw the fuel from the tank(s) and deliver it to the carburetor. The two pumps provide redundancy. The engine-driven fuel pump acts as the primary pump. The electric pump can supply fuel should the other fail.

The electric pump also supplies fuel pressure while starting and is used to prevent vapor lock during flight at high altitude. 

High-Wing Aircraft with Fuel Injection System 

Some high-wing, high-performance, single-engine general aviation aircraft are equipped with a fuel system that features fuel injection rather than a carburetor. It combines gravity flow with the use of a fuel pump(s). The TeledyneContinental system is an example.   

NOTE: Fuel injection systems spray pressurized fuel into the engine intake or directly into the cylinders. Fuel without any air mixed in is required to provide a measured, continuous spray and smooth engine operation.

Fuel pressurized by an engine-driven pump is metered as a function of engine rpm on the Teledyne-Continental system. It is first delivered from the fuel tanks by gravity to two smaller accumulator or reservoir tanks. These tanks, one for each wing tank, consolidate the liquid fuel and have a relatively small airspace. They deliver fuel through a three-way selector valve (LEFT, RIGHT, or OFF). The selector valve also acts simultaneously as a diverter of air that has been separated out of the fuel in the engine-driven fuel pump and returned to the valve. It routes the air to the vent space above the fuel in the selected reservoir tank.

An electric auxiliary fuel pump draws fuel through the selector valve. It forces the fuel through the strainer, making it available for the primer pump and the engine-driven fuel pump. This pump is typically used for starting and as a backup should the engine-driven pump fail. It is controlled by a switch in the cockpit and does not need to be operating to allow the engine-driven fuel pump access to the fuel.

The engine-driven fuel pump intakes the pressurized fuel from the electrically driven pump or from the reservoir tanks if the electric pump is not operating. It supplies a higher-thanneeded volume of fuel under pressure to the fuel control. Excess fuel is returned to the pump, which pumps it through the selector valve into the appropriate reservoir tank. Fuel vapor is also returned to tanks by the pump. The fuel control unit meters the fuel according to engine rpm and mixture control inputs from the cockpit.

The fuel control delivers the fuel to the distribution manifold, which divides it and provides equal, consistent fuel flow for individual fuel injector in each cylinder. A fuel flow indicator tapped off of the distribution manifold provides feedback in cockpit. It senses fuel pressure but is displayed on a dial calibrated in gallons per hour.

Aircraft Fuel System

Helicopter Fuel Systems 

Helicopter fuel systems vary. They can be simple or complex depending on the aircraft. Always consult the manufacturer’s manuals for fuel system description, operation, and maintenance instructions.

Typically, a helicopter has only one or two fuel tanks located near the center of gravity (CG) of the aircraft, which is near the main rotor mast. Thus, the tank, or tanks, are usually located in or near the aft fuselage. Some helicopter fuel tanks are mounted above the engine allowing for gravity fuel feed. Others use fuel pumps and pressure feed systems.

Fundamentally, helicopter fuel systems differ little from those on fixed-wing aircraft. Gravity-feed systems have vented fuel tanks with an outlet strainer and shutoff valve. Fuel flows from the tank through a main filter to the carburetor.

A slightly more complex system for a light turbine-powered helicopter is shown in Figure. Two in-tank electric boost pumps send fuel through a shutoff valve rather than a selector valve, since there is only one fuel tank. It flows through an airframe filter to an engine filter and then to the engine-driven fuel pump. The fuel tank is vented and contains an electrically operated sump drain valve. A pressure gauge is used to monitor boost pump output pressure and differential pressure switches warn of fuel filter restrictions. Fuel quantity is derived through the use of two in-tank fuel probes with transmitters.  

Larger, heavy, multiengine transport helicopters have complex fuel systems similar to jet transport fixed-wing aircraft. They may feature multiple fuel tanks, crossfeed systems, and pressure refueling.  

Fuel System Components 

To better understand aircraft fuel systems and their operation, the following discussion of various components of aircraft fuel systems is included.

Fuel Tanks 

There are three basic types of aircraft fuel tanks: rigid removable tanks, bladder tanks, and integral fuel tanks. The type of aircraft, its design and intended use, as well as the age of the aircraft determine which fuel tank is installed in an aircraft. Most tanks are constructed of noncorrosive material(s). They are typically made to be vented either through a vent cap or a vent line. Aircraft fuel tanks have a low area called a sump that is designed as a place for contaminants and water to settle. The sump is equipped with a drain valve used to remove the impurities during preflight walk-around inspection. Most aircraft fuel tanks contain some sort of baffling to subdue the fuel from shifting rapidly during flight maneuvers. Use of a scupper constructed around the fuel fill opening to drain away any spilled fuel is also common.

Aircraft Fuel System

Fuel Lines and Fittings 

Aircraft fuel lines can be rigid or flexible depending on location and application. Rigid lines are often made of aluminum alloy and are connected with Army/Navy (AN) or military standard (MS) fittings. However, in the engine compartment, wheel wells, and other areas, subject to damage from debris, abrasion, and heat, stainless steel lines are often used.  

Flexible fuel hose has a synthetic rubber interior with a reinforcing fiber braid wrap covered by a synthetic exterior.

The hose is approved for fuel and no other hose should be substituted. Some flexible fuel hose has a braided stainless-steel exterior. The diameters of all fuel hoses and line are determined by the fuel flow requirements of the aircraft fuel system. Flexible hoses are used in areas where vibration exists between components, such as between the engine and the aircraft structure. 

Fuel Valves 

There are many fuel valve uses in aircraft fuel systems. They are used to shut off fuel flow or to route the fuel to a desired location. Other than sump drain valves, light aircraft fuel systems may include only one valve, the selector valve. It incorporates the shutoff and selection features into a single valve. Large aircraft fuel systems have numerous valves. Most simply open and close and are known by different names related to their location and function in the fuel system (e.g., shutoff valve, transfer valve, crossfeed valve). Fuel valves can be manually operated, solenoid operated, or operated by electric motor.

Fuel Pumps 

Other than aircraft with gravity-feed fuel systems, all aircraft have at least one fuel pump to deliver clean fuel under pressure to the fuel metering device for each engine. Engine-driven pumps are the primary delivery device. Auxiliary pumps are used on many aircraft as well. Sometimes known as booster pumps or boost pumps, auxiliary pumps are used to provide fuel under positive pressure to the engine-driven pump and during starting when the engine-driven pump is not yet up to speed for sufficient fuel delivery. They are also used to back up the engine-driven pump during takeoff and at high altitude to guard against vapor lock. On many large aircraft, boost pumps are used to move fuel from one tank to another. 

There are many different types of auxiliary fuel pumps in use. Most are electrically operated, but some hand-operated pumps are found on older aircraft. A discussion of the various pump types found in the aviation fleet follows.

Fuel Filters 

Two main types of fuel cleaning device are utilized on aircraft. Fuel strainers are usually constructed of relatively coarse wire mesh. They are designed to trap large pieces of debris and prevent their passage through the fuel system. Fuel strainers do not inhibit the flow of water. Fuel filters generally are usually fine mesh. In various applications, they can trap fine sediment that can be only thousands of an inch in diameter and also help trap water. The technician should be aware that the terms “strainer” and “filter” are sometimes used interchangeably. Micronic filters are commonly used on turbine-powered aircraft. This is a type of filter that captures extremely fine particles in the range of 10–25 microns. A micron is 1/1,000 of a millimeter.

Fuel Heaters and Ice Prevention 

Turbine powered aircraft operate at high altitude where the temperature is very low. As the fuel in the fuel tanks cools, water in the fuel condenses and freezes. It may form ice crystals in the tank or as the fuel/water solution slows and contacts the cool filter element on its way through fuel filter to the engine(s). The formation of ice on the filter element blocks the flow of fuel through the filter. A valve in the filter unit bypasses unfiltered fuel when this occurs. Fuel heaters are used to warm the fuel so that ice does not form. These heat exchanger units also heat the fuel sufficiently to melt any ice that has already formed.

The most common types of fuel heaters are air/fuel heaters and oil/fuel heaters. An air/fuel heater uses warm compressor bleed air to heat the fuel. An oil/fuel exchanger heats the fuel with hot engine oil. This latter type is often referred to as a fuel-cooled oil cooler (FCOC).

Fuel System Indicators 

Aircraft fuel systems utilize various indicators. All systems are required to have some sort of fuel quantity indicator. Fuel flow, pressure, and temperature are monitored on many aircraft. Valve position indicators and various warning lights and annunciations are also used.  

Aircraft Fuel System

Fuel Quantity Indicating Systems 

All aircraft fuel systems must have some form of fuel quantity indicator. These devices vary widely depending on the complexity of the fuel system and the aircraft on which they are installed. Simple indicators requiring no electrical power were the earliest type of quantity indicators and are still in use today. The use of these direct reading indicators is possible only on light aircraft in which the fuel tanks are in close proximity to the cockpit. Other light aircraft and larger aircraft require electric indicators or electronic capacitancetype indicators.

Fuel Flowmeters 

A fuel flowmeter indicates an engine’s fuel use in real time. This can be useful to the pilot for ascertaining engine performance and for flight planning calculations. The types of fuel flow meter used on an aircraft depends primarily on the powerplant being used and the associated fuel system.

Fuel Temperature Gauges 

As previously mentioned, monitoring fuel temperature can inform the pilot when fuel temperature approaches that which could cause ice to form in the fuel system, especially at the fuel filter. Many large and high-performance turbine aircraft use a resistance type electric fuel temperature sender in a main fuel tank for this purpose. It can display on a traditional ratiometer gauge or can be input into a computer for processing and digital display. A low fuel temperature can be corrected with the use of a fuel heater if the aircraft is so equipped. Also as mentioned, fuel temperature can be integrated into fuel flow processing calculations. Viscosity differences at varying fuel temperatures that affect fuel flow sensing accuracy can be corrected via microprocessors and computers.

Fuel Pressure Gauges 

Monitoring fuel pressure can give the pilot early warning of a fuel system related malfunction. Verification that the fuel system is delivering fuel to the fuel metering device can be critical. Simple light reciprocating-engine aircraft typically utilize a direct reading Bourdon tube pressure gauge. It is connected into the fuel inlet of the fuel metering device with a line extending to the back of the gauge in the cockpit instrument panel. A more complex aircraft may have a sensor with a transducer located at the fuel inlet to the metering device that sends electrical signals to a cockpit gauge. In aircraft equipped with an auxiliary pump for starting and to back up the engine-driven pump, the fuel pressure gauge indicates the auxiliary pump pressure until the engine is started. When the auxiliary pump is switched off, the gauge indicates the pressure developed by the enginedriven pump.

Fuel System Repair 

The integrity of an aircraft fuel system is critical and should not be compromised. Any evidence of malfunction or leak should be addressed before the aircraft is released for flight. The danger of fire, explosion, or fuel starvation in flight makes it imperative that fuel system irregularities be given top priority. Each manufacturer’s maintenance and operation instructions must be used to guide the technician in maintaining the fuel system in airworthy condition. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions at all times. Component manufacturers and STC holder instructions should be used when applicable. Some general instructions for fuel system maintenance and repair are given in the following sections.

Troubleshooting the Fuel System 

Knowledge of the fuel system and how it operates is essential when troubleshooting. Manufacturers produce diagrams and descriptions in their maintenance manuals to aid the technician. Study these for insight. Many manuals have troubleshooting charts or flow diagrams that can be followed. As with all troubleshooting, a logical sequence of steps to narrow the problem to a specific component or location should be followed. Defects within the system can often be located by tracing the fuel flow from the tank through the system to the engine. Each component must be functioning as designed and the cause of the defect symptom must be ruled out sequentially.

Fuel Tank Repair 

Whether rigid removable, bladder-type, or integral, all fuel tanks have the potential to develop leaks. Repair a tank according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Some general notes for repair of each tank type follow. Note that at the time a tank is repaired, a thorough inspection should be made. Corrosion, such as that caused by water and microbes, should be identified and treated at this time, even if it is not the cause of the leak.

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