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​🔵✈️ Important features of Aviation Inspection Concepts and Techniques 🚁​

Aviation: Inspection Concepts and Techniques

Inspections are visual examinations and manual checks to determine the condition of an aircraft or component. An aircraft inspection can range from a casual walk around to a detailed inspection involving complete disassembly and the use of complex inspection aids. 

An inspection system consists of several processes, including reports made by mechanics, the pilot, or crew flying an aircraft and regularly scheduled inspections of an aircraft. An inspection system is designed to maintain an aircraft in the best possible condition. Thorough and repeated inspections must be considered the backbone of a good maintenance program. Irregular and haphazard inspections invariably result in gradual and certain deterioration of an aircraft. The time spent repairing an abused aircraft often totals far more than any time saved in hurrying through routine inspections and maintenance.

Basic Inspection 


Before starting an inspection, be certain all plates, access doors, fairings, and cowling have been opened or removed and the structure cleaned. When opening inspection plates and cowling, and before cleaning the area, take note of any oil or other evidence of fluid leakage. 


In order to conduct a thorough inspection, a great deal of paperwork and/or reference information must be accessed and studied before proceeding to the aircraft to conduct the inspection. The aircraft logbooks must be reviewed to provide background information and a maintenance history of the particular aircraft. The appropriate checklist or checklists must be utilized to ensure that no items are forgotten or overlooked during the inspection. Also, many additional publications must be available, either in hard copy or in electronic format, to assist in the inspections. These additional publications may include information provided by the aircraft and engine manufacturers, appliance manufacturers, parts vendors, and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Aircraft Logs 

“Aircraft logs,” as used in this handbook, is an inclusive term that applies to the aircraft logbook and all supplemental records concerned with the aircraft. They may come in a variety of formats. For a small aircraft, the log may indeed be a small 5" × 8" logbook. For larger aircraft, the logbooks are often larger and in the form of a three-ring binder. Aircraft that have been in service for a long time are likely to have several logbooks.  

The aircraft logbook is the record where all data concerning the aircraft is recorded. Information gathered in this log is used to determine the aircraft condition, date of inspections, time on airframe, engines, and propellers. It reflects a history of all significant events occurring to the aircraft, its components, and accessories. Additionally, it provides a place for indicating compliance with FAA airworthiness directives (ADs) or manufacturers’ service bulletins (SB). The more comprehensive the logbook, the easier it is to understand the aircraft’s maintenance history.

When the inspections are completed, appropriate entries must be made in the aircraft logbook certifying that the aircraft is in an airworthy condition and may be returned to service. When making logbook entries, exercise special care to ensure that the entry can be clearly understood by anyone having a need to read it in the future. Also, if making a hand-written entry, use good penmanship and write legibly. To some degree, the organization, comprehensiveness, and appearance of the aircraft logbooks have an impact on the value of the aircraft. High quality logbooks can mean a higher value for the aircraft.


Always use a checklist when performing an inspection. The checklist may be of your own design, one provided by the manufacturer of the equipment being inspected, or one obtained from some other source.


Aeronautical publications are the sources of information for guiding aviation mechanics in the operation and maintenance of aircraft and related equipment. The proper use of these publications greatly aid in the efficient operation and maintenance of all aircraft. These include manufacturers’ SBs, manuals, and catalogs; FAA regulations; ADs; advisory circulars (ACs); and aircraft, engine, and propeller specifications. 

Manufacturers’ Service Bulletins/Instructions 

Service bulletins or service instructions are two of several types of publications issued by airframe, engine, and component manufacturers. The bulletins may include: purpose for issuing the publication; name of the applicable airframe, engine, or component; detailed instructions for service, adjustment, modification or inspection, and source of parts, if required; and estimated number of man-hours required to accomplish the job.

Maintenance Manual 

The manufacturer’s aircraft maintenance manual contains complete instructions for maintenance of all systems and components installed in the aircraft. It contains information for the mechanic who normally works on components, assemblies, and systems while they are installed in the aircraft, but not for the overhaul mechanic.

Overhaul Manual 

The manufacturer’s overhaul manual contains brief descriptive information and detailed step-by-step instructions covering work normally performed on a unit that has been removed from the aircraft. Simple, inexpensive items, such as switches and relays where overhaul is uneconomical, are not covered in the overhaul manual.

Structural Repair Manual

The structural repair manual contains the manufacturer’s  information and specific instructions for repairing primary and secondary structures. Typical skin, frame, rib, and stringer repairs are covered in this manual. Also, included are material and fastener substitutions and special repair techniques.

Illustrated Parts Catalog 

The illustrated parts catalog presents component breakdowns of structure and equipment in disassembly sequence. Also, included are exploded views or cutaway illustrations for all parts and equipment manufactured by the aircraft manufacturer. 

Wiring Diagram Manual 

The wiring diagram manual is a collection of diagrams, drawings, and lists that define the wiring and hook up of associated equipment installed on airplanes. The data is organized in accordance with the Air Transport Association A4A iSPec 2200 specification.  

Code of Federal Regulations (CFRs) 

The Code of Federal Regulations (CFRs) were established by law to provide for the safe and orderly conduct of flight operations and to prescribe airmen privileges and limitations. A knowledge of the CFRs is necessary during the performance of maintenance, since all work done on aircraft must comply with CFR provisions. 

Airworthiness Directives (ADs) 

A primary safety function of the FAA is to require correction of unsafe conditions found in an aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller, or appliance when such conditions exist and are likely to exist or develop in other products of the same design. The unsafe condition may exist because of a design defect, maintenance, or other causes. Title 14 of the CFR part 39, Airworthiness Directives, defines the authority and responsibility of the administrator for requiring the necessary corrective action. The ADs are published to notify aircraft owners and other interested persons of unsafe conditions and to prescribe the conditions that the product may continue to be operated. Furthermore, these are federal aviation regulations and must be complied with unless specific exemption is granted. 

Type Certificate Data Sheets (TCDS) 

The type certificate data sheet (TCDS) describes the type design and sets forth the limitations prescribed by the applicable CFR part. It also includes any other limitations and information found necessary for type certification of a particular model aircraft.

All TCDS are numbered in the upper right corner of each page. This number is the same as the type certificate number. The name of the type certificate holder, together with all of the approved models, appears immediately below the type certificate number. The issue date completes this group. This information is contained within a bordered text box to set it off.

The TCDS is separated into one or more sections. Each section is identified by a Roman numeral followed by the model designation of the aircraft that the section pertains. The category or categories that the aircraft can be certificated in are shown in parentheses following the model number. Also, included is the approval date shown on the type certificate. 

Routine/Required Inspections 

For the purpose of determining their overall condition, 14 CFR provides for the inspection of all civil aircraft at specific intervals, depending generally upon the type of operations that they are engaged in. The pilot in command (PIC) of a civil aircraft is responsible for determining whether that aircraft is in a condition for safe flight. Therefore, the aircraft must be inspected before each flight. More detailed inspections must be conducted by aviation maintenance technicians (AMTs at least once each 12 calendar months, while inspection is required for others after each 100 hours of flight. In other instances, an aircraft may be inspected in accordance with a system set up to provide for total inspection of the aircraft over a calendar or flight time period. These include phasetype inspections. 

To determine the specific inspection requirements and rules for the performance of inspections, refer to the CFR that prescribes the requirements for the inspection and maintenance of aircraft in various types of operations.

Preflight/Postflight Inspections 

Pilots are required to follow a checklist contained within the Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH) when operating aircraft. The first section of the checklist is entitled “Preflight Inspection.” The preflight inspection checklist includes a “walk-around” section listing items that the pilot is to visually check for general condition as he or she walks around the airplane. Also, the pilot must ensure that fuel, oil, and other items required for flight are at the proper levels and not contaminated. Additionally, it is the pilot’s responsibility to review the aircraft maintenance records, and other required paperwork to verify that the aircraft is indeed airworthy. After each flight, it is recommended that the pilot or mechanic conduct a postflight inspection to detect any problems that might require repair or servicing before the next flight. 

Annual/100-Hour Inspections 

The basic requirements for annual and 100-hour inspections are discussed in 14 CFR part 91. With some exceptions, all aircraft must have a complete inspection annually. Aircraft that are used for commercial purposes (carrying any person, other than a crewmember, for hire or flight instruction for hire) and are likely to be used more frequently than noncommercial aircraft must have this complete inspection every 100 hours. The scope and detail of items to be included in annual and 100-hour inspections is included as Appendix D to part 43.

A properly written checklist, such as the one shown earlier in this chapter, includes all the items of Appendix D. Although the scope and detail of annual and 100-hour inspections are identical, there are two significant differences. One difference involves persons authorized to conduct them. A certified airframe and powerplant (A&P) maintenance technician can conduct a 100-hour inspection, whereas an annual inspection must be conducted by a certified A&P maintenance technician with inspection authorization (IA). The other difference involves authorized overflight of the maximum 100 hours before inspection. An aircraft may be flown up to 10 hours beyond the 100-hour limit if necessary to fly to a destination where the inspection is to be conducted.

Progressive Inspections 

Because the scope and detail of an annual inspection is very extensive and could keep an aircraft out of service for a considerable length of time, alternative inspection programs designed to minimize down time may be utilized. A progressive inspection program allows an aircraft to be inspected progressively. The scope and detail of an annual inspection is essentially divided into segments or phases (typically four to six). Completion of all the phases completes a cycle that satisfies the requirements of an annual inspection. The advantage of such a program is that any required segment may be completed overnight and thus enable the aircraft to fly daily without missing any revenue earning potential. Progressive inspection programs include routine items, such as engine oil changes, and detailed items, such as flight control cable inspection. Routine items are accomplished each time the aircraft comes in for a phase inspection, and detailed items focus on detailed inspection of specific areas. Detailed inspections are typically done once each cycle. A cycle must be completed within 12 months. If all required phases are not completed within 12 months, the remaining phase inspections must be conducted before the end of the 12th month from when the first phase was completed. 

Each registered owner or operator of an aircraft desiring to use a progressive inspection program must submit a written request to the FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) having jurisdiction over the area that the applicant is located. Section 91.409(d) of 14 CFR part 91 establishes procedures to be followed for progressive inspections.

Continuous Inspections 

Continuous inspection programs are similar to progressive inspection programs, except that they apply to large or turbine-powered aircraft and are therefore more complicated. Like progressive inspection programs, they require approval by the FAA Administrator. The approval may be sought based upon the type of operation and the CFR parts that the aircraft is operated under. The maintenance program for commercially operated aircraft must be detailed in the approved operations specifications (OpSpecs) of the commercial certificate holder.

Airlines utilize a continuous maintenance program that includes both routine and detailed inspections. However, the detailed inspections may include different levels of detail. Often referred to as “checks,” the A-checks, B-checks, C-checks, and D-checks involve increasing levels of detail. A-checks are the least comprehensive and occur frequently. D-checks, on the other hand, are extremely comprehensive, involving major disassembly, removal, overhaul, and inspection of systems and components. They might occur only three to six times during the service life of an aircraft.

Altimeter and Transponder Inspections 

Aircraft that are operated in controlled airspace under instrument flight rules (IFR) must have each altimeter and static system tested in accordance with procedures described in 14 CFR part 43, Appendix E, within the preceding 24 calendar months. Aircraft having an air traffic control (ATC) transponder must also have each transponder checked within the preceding 24 months. All these checks must be conducted by appropriately certified individuals. 

Airlines for America iSpec 2200 

In an effort to standardize the format in which maintenance information is presented in aircraft maintenance manuals, Airlines for America (formerly Air Transport Association) issued specifications for Manufacturers Technical Data. The original specification was called ATA Spec 100. Over the years, Spec 100 has been continuously revised and updated. Eventually, ATA Spec 2100 was developed for electronic documentation. These two specifications evolved into one document called ATA iSpec 2200. As a result of this standardization, maintenance technicians can always find information regarding a particular system in the same section of an aircraft maintenance manual, regardless of manufacturer. For example, if seeking information about the electrical system on any aircraft, that information is always found in section (chapter) 24.

Special Inspections 

During the service life of an aircraft, occasions may arise when something out of the ordinary care and use of an aircraft could possibly affect its airworthiness. When these situations are encountered, special inspection procedures, also called conditional inspections, are followed to determine if damage to the aircraft structure has occurred. The procedures outlined on the following pages are general in nature and are intended to acquaint the aviation mechanic with the areas to be inspected. As such, they are not all inclusive. When performing any of these special inspections, always follow the detailed procedures in the aircraft maintenance manual. In situations where the manual does not adequately address the situation, seek advice from other maintenance technicians who are highly experienced with them. The following paragraphs describe some typical types of special inspections.

Nondestructive Inspection/Testing 

The preceding information in this chapter provided general details regarding aircraft inspection. The remainder of this chapter deals with several methods often used on specific components or areas on an aircraft when carrying out the more specific inspections. They are referred to as nondestructive inspection (NDI) or nondestructive testing (NDT). The objective of NDI and NDT is to determine the airworthiness of a component, without damaging it, that would render it unairworthy. Some of these methods are simple, requiring little additional expertise, while others are highly sophisticated and require that the technician be highly trained and specially certified. 

Training, Qualification, and Certification 

The product manufacturer or the FAA generally specifies the particular NDI method and procedure to be used in inspection. These NDI requirements are specified in the manufacturer’s inspection, maintenance, or overhaul manual, FAA ADs, supplemental structural inspection documents (SSID), or SBs. 

The success of any NDI method and procedure depends upon the knowledge, skill, and experience of the NDI personnel involved. The person(s) responsible for detecting and interpreting indications, such as eddy current, x-ray, or ultrasonic NDI, must be qualified and certified to specific FAA or other acceptable government or industry standards, such as MIL-STD-410, Nondestructive Testing Personnel Qualification and Certification or A4A iSPec 2200, Guidelines for Training and Qualifying Personnel in Nondestructive Testing Methods. The person must be familiar with the test method, know the potential types of discontinuities peculiar to the material, and be familiar with their effect on the structural integrity of the part.

General Techniques 

Before conducting NDI, it is necessary to follow preparatory steps in accordance with procedures specific to that type of inspection. Generally, the parts or areas must be thoroughly cleaned. Some parts must be removed from the aircraft or engine. Others might need to have any paint or protective coating stripped. A complete knowledge of the equipment and procedures is essential and, if required, calibration and inspection of the equipment must be current. 

Visual Inspection 

Visual inspection can be enhanced by looking at the suspect area with a bright light, a magnifying glass, and a mirror. Some defects might be so obvious that further inspection methods are not required. The lack of visible defects does not necessarily mean further inspection is unnecessary. Some defects may lie beneath the surface or may be so small that the human eye, even with the assistance of a magnifying glass, cannot detect them. 

Liquid Penetrant Inspection 

Penetrant inspection is a nondestructive test for defects open to the surface in parts made of any nonporous material. It is used with equal success on such metals as aluminum, magnesium, brass, copper, cast iron, stainless steel, and titanium. It may also be used on ceramics, plastics, molded rubber, and glass. 

Penetrant inspection detects defects, such as surface cracks or porosity. These defects may be caused by fatigue cracks, shrinkage cracks, shrinkage porosity, cold shuts, grinding and heat treat cracks, seams, forging laps, and bursts. Penetrant inspection also indicates a lack of bond between joined metals. The main disadvantage of penetrant inspection is that the defect must be open to the surface in order to let the penetrant get into the defect. For this reason, if the part in question is made of material that is magnetic, the use of magnetic particle inspection is generally recommended.

Eddy Current Inspection 

Electromagnetic analysis is a term describing the broad spectrum of electronic test methods involving the intersection of magnetic fields and circulatory currents. The most widely used technique is the eddy current. Eddy currents are composed of free electrons under the influence of an induced electromagnetic field that are made to “drift” through metal. Eddy current is used to detect surface cracks, pits, subsurface cracks, corrosion on inner surfaces, and to determine alloy and heat-treat condition.  

Eddy current is used in aircraft maintenance to inspect jet engine turbine shafts and vanes, wing skins, wheels, bolt holes, and spark plug bores for cracks, heat, or frame damage. Eddy current may also be used in repair of aluminum aircraft damaged by fire or excessive heat. Different meter readings are seen when the same metal is in different hardness states. Readings in the affected area are compared with identical materials in known unaffected areas for comparison. A difference in readings indicates a difference in the hardness state of the affected area. In aircraft manufacturing plants, eddy current is used to inspect castings, stampings, machine parts, forgings, and extrusions.

Ultrasonic Inspection 

Ultrasonic inspection is an NDI technique that uses sound energy moving through the test specimen to detect flaws. The sound energy passing through the specimen is displayed on a cathode ray tube (CRT), a liquid crystal display (LCD) computer data program, or video/camera medium. Indications of the front and back surface and internal/external conditions appear as vertical signals on the CRT screen or nodes of data in the computer test program. There are three types of display patterns: “A” scan, “B” scan, and “C” scan. Each scan provides a different picture or view of the specimen being tested.  

Ultrasonic detection equipment makes it possible to locate defects in all types of materials. Minute cracks, checks, and voids too small to be seen by x-ray can be located by ultrasonic inspection. An ultrasonic test instrument requires access to only one surface of the material to be inspected and can be used with either straight line or angle beam testing techniques.

Acoustic Emission Inspection 

Acoustic emission is an NDI technique that involves the placing of acoustic emission sensors at various locations on an aircraft structure and then applying a load or stress. The materials emit sound and stress waves that take the form of ultrasonic pulses. Cracks and areas of corrosion in the stressed airframe structure emit sound waves that are registered by the sensors. These acoustic emission bursts can be used to locate flaws and to evaluate their rate of growth as a function of applied stress. Acoustic emission testing has an advantage over other NDI methods in that it can detect and locate all of the activated flaws in a structure in one test. Because of the complexity of aircraft structures, application of acoustic emission testing to aircraft has required a new level of sophistication in testing technique and data interpretation.

Magnetic Particle Inspection 

Magnetic particle inspection is a method of detecting invisible cracks and other defects in ferromagnetic materials, such as iron and steel. It is not applicable to nonmagnetic materials. In rapidly rotating, reciprocating, vibrating, and other highlystressed aircraft parts, small defects often develop to the point that they cause complete failure of the part. Magnetic particle inspection has proven extremely reliable for the rapid detection of such defects located on or near the surface. With this method of inspection, the location of the defect is indicated and the approximate size and shape are outlined.  

Magnaglo Inspection 

Magnaglo inspection is similar to the preceding method, but differs in that a fluorescent particle solution is used and the inspection is made under black light. Efficiency of inspection is increased by the neon-like glow of defects allowing smaller flaw indications to be seen. This is an excellent method for use on gears, threaded parts, and aircraft engine components. The reddishbrown liquid spray or bath that is used consists of Magnaglo paste mixed with a light oil at the ratio of 0.10 to 0.25 ounce of paste per gallon of oil. After inspection, the part must be demagnetized and rinsed with a cleaning solvent. 

Radiographic Inspection 

Radiographic inspection techniques are used to locate defects or flaws in airframe structures or engines with little or no disassembly. This is in marked contrast to other types of nondestructive testing that usually require removal, disassembly, and stripping of paint from the suspected part before it can be inspected. Due to the radiation risks associated with x-ray, extensive training is required to become a qualified radiographer. Only qualified radiographers are allowed to operate the x-ray units. 

Three major steps in the x-ray process discussed in subsequent paragraphs are: exposure to radiation, including preparation; processing of film; and interpretation of the radiograph.

Inspection of Composites 

Composite structures are inspected for delamination (separation of the various plies), debonding of the skin from the core, and evidence of moisture and corrosion. Previously discussed methods including ultrasonic, acoustic emission, and radiographic inspections may be used as recommended by the aircraft manufacturer. The simplest method used in testing composite structures is the tap test. Newer methods, such as thermography, have been developed to inspect composite structures. 

Tap Testing 

Tap testing, also referred to as the ring test or coin test, is widely used as a quick evaluation of any accessible surface to detect the presence of delamination or debonding. The testing procedure consists of lightly tapping the surface with a light weight hammer (maximum weight of 2 ounces), a coin, or other suitable device. The acoustic response or “ring” is compared to that of a known good area. A “flat” or “dead” response indicates an area of concern. Tap testing is limited to finding defects in relatively thin skins, less than 0.080" thick. On honeycomb structures, both sides need to be tested. Tap testing on one side alone would not detect debonding on the opposite side.

Electrical Conductivity 

Composite structures are not inherently electrically conductive. Some aircraft, because of their relatively low speed and type of use, are not affected by electrical issues. 

Manufacturers of other aircraft, such as high-speed, highperformance jets, are required to utilize various methods of incorporating aluminum or copper into their structures to make them conductive. The aluminum or copper (aluminum is used with fiberglass and Kevlar, while copper is used with carbon fiber) is imbedded within the plies of the lay-ups either as a thin wire mesh, screen, foil, or spray. When damaged sections of the structure are repaired, care must be taken to ensure that the conductive path be restored. Not only is it necessary to include the conductive material in the repair, but the continuity of the electrical path from the original conductive material to the replacement conductor and back to the original must be maintained. Electrical conductivity may be checked by use of an ohmmeter. Specific manufacturer’s instructions must be carefully followed.


Thermography is an NDI technique often used with thin composite structures that use radiant electromagnetic thermal energy to detect flaws. Most common sources of heat are heat lamps or heater blankets. The basic principle of thermal inspection consists of measuring or mapping of surface temperatures when heat flows from, to, or through a test object. All thermographic techniques rely on differentials in thermal conductivity between normal, defect-free areas and those having a defect. Normally, a heat source is used to elevate the temperature of the article being examined while observing the surface heating effects. Because defect-free areas conduct heat more efficiently than areas with defects, the amount of heat that is either absorbed or reflected indicates the quality of the bond. The type of defects that affect the thermal properties include disbonds, cracks, impact damage, panel thinning, and water ingress into composite materials and honeycomb core. Thermal methods are most effective for thin laminates or for defects near the surface. 

Inspection of Welds 

A discussion of welds in this chapter is confined to judging the quality of completed welds by visual means. Although the appearance of the completed weld is not a positive indication of quality, it provides a good clue about the care used in making it. A properly designed joint weld is stronger than the base metal that it joins. The characteristics of a properly welded joint are discussed in the following paragraphs.  

A good weld is uniform in width; the ripples are even and well feathered into the base metal and show no burn due to overheating. The weld has good penetration and is free of gas pockets, porosity, or inclusions. The edges of the bead are not in a straight line, yet the weld is good since penetration is excellent.

Penetration is the depth of fusion in a weld. Thorough fusion is the most important characteristic contributing to a sound weld. Penetration is affected by the thickness of the material to be joined, the size of the filler rod, and how it is added. In a butt weld, the penetration should be 100 percent of the thickness of the base metal. On a fillet weld, the penetration requirements are 25 to 50 percent of the thickness of the base metal. The width and depth of bead for a butt weld and fillet weld.

To assist further in determining the quality of a welded joint, several examples of incorrect welds are discussed in the following paragraphs.

The long and pointed appearance of the ripples was caused by an excessive amount of heat or an oxidizing flame. If the weld were cross-sectioned, it would probably disclose gas pockets, porosity, and slag inclusions. 

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