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πŸ”΅✈️ Aircraft Engine: Carburetor Systems 🚁

Aircraft Engine: Carburetion Principles

Venturi Principles 

The carburetor must measure the airflow through the induction system and use this measurement to regulate the amount of fuel discharged into the airstream. The air measuring unit is the venturi, which makes use of a basic law of physics: as the velocity of a gas or liquid increases, the pressure decreases. As shown in Figure, simple venturi is a passageway or tube in which there is a narrow portion called the throat. As the velocity of the air increases to get through the narrow portion, its pressure drops. Note that the pressure in the throat is lower than that in any other part of the venturi. This pressure drop is proportional to the velocity and is, therefore, a measure of the airflow. The basic operating principle of most carburetors depends on the differential pressure between the inlet and the venturi throat.

Application of Venturi Principle to Carburetor 

The carburetor is mounted on the engine so that air to the cylinders passes through the barrel, the part of the carburetor which contains the venturi. The size and shape of the venturi depends on the requirements of the engine for which the carburetor is designed. A carburetor for a high-powered engine may have one large venturi or several small ones. The air may flow either up or down the venturi, depending on the design of the engine and the carburetor. Those in which the air passes downward are known as downdraft carburetors, and those in which the air passes upward are called updraft carburetors. Some carburetors are made to use a side draft or horizontal air entry into the engine induction system, as shown in Figure.

Air flows through the induction system covered in Chapter 3. When a piston moves toward the crankshaft (down) on the intake stroke, the pressure in the cylinder is lowered.

Air rushes through the carburetor and intake manifold to the cylinder to replace the air displaced by the piston as it moved down on the intake stroke. Due to this low pressure area caused by the piston moving down, the higher pressure air in the atmosphere flows in to fill the low pressure area. As it does, the airflow must pass through the carburetor venturi. The throttle valve is located between the venturi and the engine. Mechanical linkage connects this valve with the throttle lever in the cockpit. By means of the throttle, airflow to the cylinders is regulated and controls the power output of the engine. Actually, more air is admitted to the engine, and the carburetor automatically supplies enough additional gasoline to maintain the correct fuel/air ratio. This is because as the volume of airflow increases, the velocity in the venturi increases, lowering the pressure and allowing more fuel to be forced into the airstream. The throttle valve obstructs the passage of air very little when it is parallel with the flow, in the wide open throttle position. Throttle action is illustrated in Figure. Note how it restricts the airflow more and more as it rotates toward the closed position.

Metering and Discharge of Fuel In Figure, showing the discharge of fuel into the airstream, locate the inlet through which fuel enters the carburetor from the engine-driven pump. The float-operated needle valve regulates the flow through the inlet, which maintains the correct level in the fuel float chamber. This level must be slightly below the outlet of the discharge nozzle to prevent overflow when the engine is not running.

The discharge nozzle is located in the throat of the venturi at the point where the lowest drop in pressure occurs as air passes through the carburetor to the engine cylinders. There are two different pressures acting on the fuel in the carburetor—a low pressure at the discharge nozzle and a higher (atmospheric) pressure in the float chamber. The higher pressure in the float chamber forces the fuel through the discharge nozzle into the airstream. If the throttle is opened wider to increase the airflow to the engine, there is a greater drop in pressure at the venturi throat. Because of the higher differential pressure, the fuel discharge increases in proportion to the increase in airflow. If the throttle is moved toward the “closed” position, the airflow and fuel flow decrease.  

The fuel must pass through the metering jet to reach the discharge nozzle. A metering jet is really a certain size hole that the fuel passes through. The size of this jet determines the rate of fuel discharge at each differential pressure. If the jet is replaced with a larger one, the fuel flow increases, resulting in a richer mixture. If a smaller jet is installed, there is a decrease in fuel flow and a leaner mixture.

Aircraft Engine: Carburetor Systems

Carburetor Systems

To provide for engine operation under various loads and at different engine speeds, each carburetor has six systems: 1. Main metering 2. Idling 3. Accelerating 4. Mixture control 5. Idle cutoff 6. Power enrichment or economizer.

The main metering system supplies fuel to the engine at all speeds above idling. The fuel discharged by this system is determined by the drop in pressure in the venturi throat.

A separate system is necessary for idling because the main metering system can be erratic at very low engine speeds. At low speeds the throttle is nearly closed. As a result, the velocity of the air through the venturi is low and there is little drop in pressure. Consequently, the differential pressure is not sufficient to operate the main metering system, and no fuel is discharged from this system. Therefore, most carburetors have an idling system to supply fuel to the engine at low engine speeds.

The accelerating system supplies extra fuel during sudden increases in engine power. When the throttle is opened, the airflow through the carburetor increases to obtain more power from the engine. The main metering system then increases the fuel discharge. During sudden acceleration, however, the increase in airflow is so rapid that there is a slight time lag before the increase in fuel discharge is sufficient to provide the correct mixture ratio with the new airflow. By supplying extra fuel during this period, the accelerating system prevents a temporary leaning out of the mixture and gives smooth acceleration.

Aircraft Engine: Carburetor Systems

The mixture control system determines the ratio of fuel to air in the mixture. By means of a cockpit control, the manual mixture control can select the mixture ratio to suit operating conditions. In addition to these manual controls, many carburetors have automatic mixture controls so that the fuel/air ratio, once it is selected, does not change with variations in air density. This is necessary because as the airplane climbs and the atmospheric pressure decreases, there is a corresponding decrease in the weight of air passing through the induction system. The volume, however, remains constant. Since it is the volume of airflow that determines the pressure drop at the throat of the venturi, the carburetor tends to meter the same amount of fuel to this thin air as to the dense air at sea level. Thus, the natural tendency is for the mixture to become richer as the airplane gains altitude. The automatic mixture control prevents this by decreasing the rate of fuel discharge to compensate for the decrease in air density.

The carburetor has an idle cutoff system so that the fuel can be shut off to stop the engine. This system, incorporated in the manual mixture control, stops the fuel discharge from the carburetor completely when the mixture control lever is set to the “idle cutoff” position. An aircraft engine is stopped by shutting off the fuel rather than by turning off the ignition. If the ignition is turned off with the carburetor still supplying fuel, fresh fuel/air mixture continues to pass through the induction system to the cylinders. As the engine is coasting to a stop and if it is excessively hot, this combustible mixture may be ignited by local hot spots within the combustion chambers. This can cause the engine to continue running or kick backward. Also, the mixture may pass through the cylinders unburned, but be ignited in the hot exhaust manifold. Or, the engine comes to an apparently normal stop, but a combustible mixture remains in the induction passages, the cylinders, and the exhaust system. This is an unsafe condition since the engine may kick over after it has been stopped and seriously injure anyone near the propeller. When the engine is shut down by means of the idle cutoff system, the spark plugs continue to ignite the fuel/air mixture until the fuel discharge from the carburetor ceases. This alone should prevent the engine from coming to a stop with a combustible mixture in the cylinders. Some engine manufacturers suggest that just before the propeller stops turning, the throttle be opened wide so that the pistons can pump fresh air through the induction system, the cylinders, and the exhaust system as an added precaution against accidental kick-over. After the engine has come to a complete stop, the ignition switch is turned to the “off” position.

Aircraft Engine: Carburetor Systems

The power enrichment system automatically increases the richness of the mixture during high power operation. It makes possible the variation in fuel/air ratio necessary to fit different operating conditions. Remember that at cruising speeds, a lean mixture is desirable for economy reasons, while at high power output, the mixture must be rich to obtain maximum power and to aid in cooling the engine cylinders. The power enrichment system automatically brings about the necessary change in the fuel/air ratio. Essentially, it is a valve that is closed at cruising speeds and opened to supply extra fuel to the mixture during high power operation. Although it increases the fuel flow at high power, the power enrichment system is actually a fuel saving device. Without this system, it would be necessary to operate the engine on a rich mixture over the complete power range. The mixture would then be richer than necessary at cruising speed to ensure safe operation at maximum power. The power enrichment system is sometimes called an economizer or a power compensator. 

Although the various systems have been discussed separately, the carburetor functions as a unit. The fact that one system is in operation does not necessarily prevent another from functioning. At the same time that the main metering system is discharging fuel in proportion to the airflow, the mixture control system determines whether the resultant mixture is rich or lean. If the throttle is suddenly opened wide, the accelerating and power enrichment systems act to add fuel to that already being discharged by the main metering system. 

Aircraft Engine: Carburetor Systems

Carburetor Types

The float-type carburetor, the most common of all carburetor types, has several distinct disadvantages. The effect that abrupt maneuvers have on the float action and the fact that its fuel must be discharged at low pressure leads to incomplete vaporization and difficulty in discharging fuel into some types of supercharged systems. The chief disadvantage of the float carburetor, however, is its icing tendency. Since the float carburetor must discharge fuel at a point of low pressure, the discharge nozzle must be located at the venturi throat, and the throttle valve must be on the engine side of the discharge nozzle. This means that the drop in temperature due to fuel vaporization takes place within the venturi. As a result, ice readily forms in the venturi and on the throttle valve.

A pressure-type carburetor discharges fuel into the airstream at a pressure well above atmospheric. This results in better vaporization and permits the discharge of fuel into the airstream on the engine side of the throttle valve. With the discharge nozzle located at this point, the drop in temperature due to fuel vaporization takes place after the air has passed the throttle valve and at a point where engine heat tends to offset it. Thus, the danger of fuel vaporization icing is practically eliminated. The effects of rapid maneuvers and rough air on the pressure-type carburetors are negligible since its fuel chambers remain filled under all operating conditions. Pressure carburetors have been replaced mostly by fuel injection systems and have limited use on modern aircraft engines. 

Carburetor Icing

There are three general classifications of carburetor icing: 1. Fuel evaporation ice 2. Throttle ice 3. Impact ice.

Fuel evaporation ice or refrigeration ice is formed because of the decrease in air temperature resulting from the evaporation of fuel after it is introduced into the airstream. As the fuel evaporates, the temperature is lowered in the area where the evaporation takes place. Any moisture in the incoming air can form ice in this area. It frequently occurs in those systems in which fuel is injected into the air upstream from the carburetor throttle, as in the case of float-type carburetors. It occurs less frequently in systems in which the fuel is injected into the air downstream from the carburetor. Refrigeration ice can be formed at carburetor air temperatures as high as 100 °F over a wide range of atmospheric humidity conditions, even at relative humidity well below 100 percent. Generally, fuel evaporation ice tends to accumulate on the fuel distribution nozzle in the carburetor. This type of ice can lower manifold pressure, interfere with fuel flow, and affect mixture distribution.

Throttle ice is formed on the rear side of the throttle, usually when the throttle is in a partially “closed” position. The rush of air across and around the throttle valve causes a low pressure on the rear side; this sets up a pressure differential across the throttle, which has a cooling effect on the fuel/ air charge. Moisture freezes in this low pressure area and collects as ice on the low pressure side. Throttle ice tends to accumulate in a restricted passage. The occurrence of a small amount of ice may cause a relatively large reduction in airflow and manifold pressure. A large accumulation of ice may jam the throttles and cause them to become inoperable. Throttle ice seldom occurs at temperatures above 38 °F.

Aircraft Engine: Carburetor Systems

Impact ice is formed either from water present in the atmosphere as snow, sleet, or from liquid water which impinges on surfaces that are at temperatures below 32 °F. Because of inertia effects, impact ice collects on or near a surface that changes the direction of the airflow. This type of ice may build up on the carburetor elbow, as well as the carburetor screen and metering elements. The most dangerous impact ice is that which collects on the carburetor screen and causes a very rapid reduction of airflow and power. In general, danger from impact ice normally exists only when ice forms on the leading edges of the aircraft structure. Under some conditions, ice may enter the carburetor in a comparatively dry state and will not adhere to the inlet screen or walls or affect engine airflow or manifold pressure. This ice may enter the carburetor and gradually build up internally in the carburetor air metering passages and affect carburetor metering characteristics.  

Float-Type Carburetors

A float-type carburetor consists essentially of six subsystems that control the quantity of fuel discharged in relation to the flow of air delivered to the engine cylinders. These systems work together to provide the engine with the correct fuel flow during all engine operating ranges.

The essential subsystems of a float-type carburetor are illustrated in Figure. These systems are: 1. Float chamber mechanism system 2. Main metering system 3. Idling system 4. Mixture control system 5. Accelerating system 6. Economizer system.

Float Chamber Mechanism System 

A float chamber is provided between the fuel supply and the main metering system of the carburetor. The float chamber, or bowl, serves as a reservoir for fuel in the carburetor.

This chamber provides a nearly constant level of fuel to the main discharge nozzle which is usually about 1/8" below the holes in the main discharge nozzle. The fuel level must be maintained slightly below the discharge nozzle outlet holes to provide the correct amount of fuel flow and to prevent fuel leakage from the nozzle when the engine is not operating.

The level of fuel in the float chamber is kept nearly constant by means of a float-operated needle valve and a seat. The needle seat is usually made of bronze. The needle valve is constructed of hardened steel, or it may have a synthetic rubber section which fits the seat. With no fuel in the float chamber, the float drops toward the bottom of the chamber and allows the needle valve to open wide. As fuel is admitted from the supply line, the float rises (floats in the fuel) and closes the needle valve when the fuel reaches a predetermined level. When the engine is running, and fuel is being drawn out of the float chamber, the valve assumes an intermediate position so that the valve opening is just sufficient to supply the required amount of fuel and keep the level constant. If fuel is found leaking from the discharge nozzle of the carburetor when the engine is not running, the most likely cause is that the float needle valve and seat is leaking and needs to be replaced. 

Aircraft Engine: Carburetor Systems

With the fuel at the correct level (float chamber), the discharge rate is controlled accurately by the air velocity through the carburetor venturi where a pressure drop at the discharge nozzle causes fuel to flow into the intake airstream. Atmospheric pressure on top of the fuel in the float chamber forces the fuel out the discharge nozzle. A vent or small opening in the top of the float chamber allows air to enter or leave the chamber as the level of fuel rises or falls.

Main Metering System 

The main metering system supplies fuel to the engine at all speeds above idling and consists of: 1. Venturi 2. Main metering jet 3. Main discharge nozzle 4. Passage leading to the idling system 5. Throttle valve.

Since the throttle valve controls the mass airflow through the carburetor venturi, it must be considered a major unit in the main metering system as well as in other carburetor systems. A typical main metering system is illustrated in Figure. The venturi performs three functions: 1. Proportions the fuel/air mixture 2. Decreases the pressure at the discharge nozzle 3. Limits the airflow at full throttle.

The fuel discharge nozzle is located in the carburetor barrel so that its open end is in the throat or narrowest part of the venturi. A main metering orifice, or jet, is placed in the fuel passage between the float chamber and the discharge nozzle to limit the fuel flow when the throttle valve is wide open.

When the engine crankshaft is revolved with the carburetor throttle open, the low pressure created in the intake manifold acts on the air passing through the carburetor barrel. Due to the difference in pressure between the atmosphere and the intake manifold, air flows from the air intake through the carburetor barrel into the intake manifold. The volume of airflow depends upon the degree of throttle opening. As the air flows through the venturi, its velocity increases. This velocity increase creates a low pressure area in the venturi throat. The fuel discharge nozzle is exposed to this low pressure. Since the float chamber is vented to atmospheric pressure, a pressure drop across the discharge nozzle is created. It is this pressure difference, or metering force, that causes fuel to flow from the discharge nozzle. The fuel comes out of the nozzle in a fine spray, and the tiny particles of fuel in the spray quickly vaporize in the air.

The metering force (pressure differential) in most carburetors increases as the throttle opening is increased. The fuel must be raised in the discharge nozzle to a level at which it discharges into the airstream. To accomplish this, a pressure differential of 0.5 "Hg is required. When the metering force is considerably reduced at low engine speeds, the fuel delivery from the discharge nozzle decreases if an air bleed (air metering jet) is not incorporated in the carburetor. The decrease in fuel flow in relation to airflow is due to two factors:

1. The fuel tends to adhere to the walls of the discharge nozzle and break off intermittently in large drops instead of forming a fine spray.

2. A part of the metering force is required to raise the fuel level from the float chamber level to the discharge nozzle outlet.

Aircraft Engine: Carburetor Systems

The basic principle of the air bleed can be explained by simple diagrams, as shown in Figure. In each case, the same degree of suction is applied to a vertical tube placed in the container of liquid. As shown in A, the suction applied on the upper end of the tube is sufficient to lift the liquid a distance of about 1 inch above the surface. If a small hole is made in the side of the tube above the surface of the liquid, as in B, and suction is applied, bubbles of air enter the tube and the liquid is drawn up in a continuous series of small slugs or drops. Thus, air “bleeds” into the tube and partially reduces the forces tending to retard the flow of liquid through the tube. However, the large opening at the bottom of the tube effectively prevents any great amount of suction from being exerted on the air bleed hole or vent. Similarly, an air bleed hole that is too large in proportion to the size of the tube would reduce the suction available to lift the liquid. If the system is modified by placing a metering orifice in the bottom of the tube and air is taken in below the fuel level by means of an air bleed tube, a finely divided mixture of air and liquid is formed in the tube, as shown in C. 

In a carburetor, a small air bleed is bled into the fuel nozzle slightly below the fuel level. The open end of the air bleed is in the space behind the venturi wall where the air is relatively motionless and at approximately atmospheric pressure. The low pressure at the tip of the nozzle not only draws fuel from the float chamber but also draws air from behind the venturi. Air bled into the main metering fuel system decreases the fuel density and destroys surface tension. This results in better vaporization and control of fuel discharge, especially at lower engine speeds. The throttle, or butterfly valve, is located in the carburetor barrel near one end of the venturi. It provides a means of controlling engine speed or power output by regulating the airflow to the engine. This valve is a disk that can rotate on an axis, so that it can be turned to open or close the carburetor air passage.

Aircraft Engine: Carburetor Systems

Idling System 

With the throttle valve closed at idling speeds, air velocity through the venturi is so low that it cannot draw enough fuel from the main discharge nozzle; in fact, the spray of fuel may stop altogether. However, low pressure (piston suction) exists on the engine side of the throttle valve. In order to allow the engine to idle, a fuel passageway is incorporated to discharge fuel from an opening in the low pressure area near the edge of the throttle valve. This opening is called the idling jet. With the throttle open enough so that the main discharge nozzle is operating, fuel does not flow out of the idling jet. As soon as the throttle is closed far enough to stop the spray from the main discharge nozzle, fuel flows out the idling jet. A separate air bleed, known as the idle air bleed, is included as part of the idling system. It functions in the same manner as the main air bleed. An idle mixture adjusting device is also incorporated. A typical idling system is illustrated in Figure.

Mixture Control System 

As altitude increases, the air becomes less dense. At an altitude of 18,000 feet, the air is only half as dense as it is at sea level. This means that a cubic foot of space contains only half as much air at 18,000 feet as at sea level. An engine cylinder full of air at 18,000 feet contains only half as much oxygen as a cylinder full of air at sea level.

The low pressure area created by the venturi is dependent upon air velocity rather than air density. The action of the venturi draws the same volume of fuel through the discharge nozzle at a high altitude as it does at a low altitude. Therefore, the fuel mixture becomes richer as altitude increases. This can be overcome either by a manual or an automatic mixture control.

On float-type carburetors, two types of purely manual or cockpit controllable devices are in general use for controlling fuel/air mixtures, the needle type and the back-suction type. With the needle-type system, manual control is provided by a needle valve in the base of the float chamber. This can be raised or lowered by adjusting a control in the cockpit. Moving the control to “rich,” opens the needle valve wide, which permits the fuel to flow unrestricted to the nozzle. Moving the control to “lean,” partially closes the valve and restricts the flow of fuel to the nozzle.

The back-suction-type mixture control system is the most widely used. In this system, a certain amount of venturi low pressure acts upon the fuel in the float chamber so that it opposes the low pressure existing at the main discharge nozzle. An atmospheric line, incorporating an adjustable valve, opens into the float chamber. When the valve is completely closed, pressures on the fuel in the float chamber and at the discharge nozzle are almost equal, and fuel flow is reduced to maximum lean. With the valve wide open, pressure on the fuel in the float chamber is greatest and fuel mixture is richest. Adjusting the valve to positions between these two extremes controls the mixture. The quadrant in the cockpit is usually marked “lean” near the back end and “rich” at the forward end. The extreme back position is marked “idle cutoff” and is used when stopping the engine.

Aircraft Engine: Carburetor Systems

On float carburetors equipped with needle-type mixture control, placing the mixture control in idle cutoff seats the needle valve, thus shutting off fuel flow completely. On carburetors equipped with back-suction mixture controls, a separate idle cutoff line, leading to the extreme low pressure on the engine side of the throttle valve, is incorporated. The mixture control is so linked that when it is placed in the “idle cutoff” position, it opens another passage that leads to piston suction. When placed in other positions, the valve opens a passage leading to the atmosphere. To stop the engine with such a system, close the throttle and place the mixture in the “idle cutoff” position. Leave the throttle until the engine has stopped running and then open the throttle completely.

Accelerating System 

When the throttle valve is opened quickly, a large volume of air rushes through the air passage of the carburetor; the amount of fuel that is mixed with the air is less than normal due to the slow response rate of the main metering system. As a result, after a quick opening of the throttle, the fuel/air mixture leans out momentarily. This can cause the engine to accelerate slowly or stumble as it tries to accelerate. 

To overcome this tendency, the carburetor is equipped with a small fuel pump called an accelerating pump. A common type of accelerating system used in float carburetors is illustrated in Figure 2-18. It consists of a simple piston pump operated through linkage by the throttle control and a passageway opening into the main metering system or the carburetor barrel near the venturi. When the throttle is closed, the piston moves back, and fuel fills the cylinder. If the piston is pushed forward slowly, the fuel seeps past it back into the float chamber; if pushed rapidly, it sprays fuel in the venturi and enriches the mixture. An example of a cutaway accelerator pump is shown in Figure.

Economizer System 

For an engine to develop maximum power at full throttle, the fuel mixture must be richer than for cruise. The additional fuel is used for cooling the engine combustion chambers to prevent detonation. An economizer is essentially a valve that is closed at throttle settings below approximately 60–70 percent of rated power. This system, like the accelerating system, is operated by the throttle control.

Aircraft Engine: Carburetor Systems

A typical economizer system consists of a needle valve which begins to open when the throttle valve reaches a predetermined point near the wide-open position. As the throttle continues to open, the needle valve is opened further and additional fuel flows through it. This additional fuel supplements the flow from the main metering jet direct to the main discharge nozzle.

A pressure-operated economizer system is shown in Figure. This type has a sealed bellows located in an enclosed compartment. The compartment is vented to engine manifold pressure. When the manifold pressure reaches a certain value, the bellows is compressed and opens a valve in a carburetor fuel passage, supplementing the normal quantity of fuel being discharged through the main nozzle.

Another type of economizer is the back-suction system. Fuel economy in cruising is provided by reducing the effective pressure acting on the fuel level in the float compartment. With the throttle valve in cruising position, suction is applied to the float chamber through an economizer hole and back-suction economizer channel and jet. The suction applied to the float chamber opposes the nozzle suction applied by the venturi. Fuel flow is reduced, leaning the mixture for cruising economy. 

Another type of mixture control system uses a metering valve that is free to rotate in a stationary metering sleeve. Fuel enters the main and idling systems through a slot cut in the mixture sleeve. Fuel metering is accomplished by the relative position between one edge of the slot in the hollow metering valve and one edge of the slot in the metering sleeve. Moving the mixture control to reduce the size of the slot provides a leaner mixture for altitude compensation.

Pressure Injection Carburetors 

Pressure injection carburetors are distinctly different from float-type carburetors as they do not incorporate a vented float chamber or suction pickup from a discharge nozzle located in the venturi tube. Instead, they provide a pressurized fuel system that is closed from the engine fuel pump to the discharge nozzle. The venturi serves only to create pressure differentials for controlling the quantity of fuel to the metering jet in proportion to airflow to the engine.

Typical Injection Carburetor 

The injection carburetor is a hydromechanical device employing a closed feed system from the fuel pump to the discharge nozzle. It meters fuel through fixed jets according to the mass airflow through the throttle body and discharges it under a positive pressure.

The illustration in Figure represents a pressure-type carburetor simplified so that only the basic parts are shown. Note the two small passages, one leading from the carburetor air inlet to the left side of the flexible diaphragm and the other from the venturi throat to the right side of the diaphragm.

Aircraft Engine: Carburetor Systems

When air passes through the carburetor to the engine, the pressure on the right of the diaphragm is lowered because of the drop in pressure at the venturi throat. As a result, the diaphragm moves to the right, opening the fuel valve. Pressure from the engine-driven pump then forces fuel through the open valve to the discharge nozzle, where it sprays into the airstream. The distance the fuel valve opens is determined by the difference between the two pressures acting on the diaphragm. This difference in pressure is proportional to the airflow through the carburetor. Thus, the volume of airflow determines the rate of fuel discharge.

The pressure injection carburetor is an assembly of the following units: 1. Throttle body 2. Automatic mixture control 3. Regulator unit 4. Fuel control unit (some are equipped with an adapter).

Throttle Body 

The throttle body contains the throttle valves, main venturi, boost venturi, and the impact tubes. All air entering the cylinders must flow through the throttle body; therefore, it is the air control and measuring device. The airflow is measured by volume and by weight so that the proper amount of fuel can be added to meet the engine demands under all conditions.

As air flows through the venturi, its velocity is increased, and its pressure is decreased (Bernoulli’s principle). This low pressure is vented to the low pressure side of the air diaphragm in the regulator assembly. The impact tubes sense carburetor inlet air pressure and direct it to the automatic mixture control, which measures the air density. From the automatic mixture control, the air is directed to the high pressure side of the air diaphragm (chamber A). The pressure differential of the two chambers acting upon the air diaphragm is known as the air metering force which opens the fuel poppet valve.

The throttle body controls the airflow with the throttle valves. The throttle valves may be either rectangular or disk shaped, depending on the design of the carburetor. The valves are mounted on a shaft, which is connected by linkage to the idle valve and to the throttle control in the cockpit. A throttle stop limits the travel of the throttle valve and has an adjustment which sets engine idle speed.

Regulator Unit 

The regulator is a diaphragm-controlled unit divided into five chambers and contains two regulating diaphragms and a poppet valve assembly. Chamber A is regulated air-inlet pressure from the air intake. Chamber B is boost venturi pressure. Chamber C contains metered fuel pressure controlled by the discharge nozzle or fuel feed valve. Chamber D contains unmetered fuel pressure controlled by the opening of the poppet valve. Chamber E is fuel pump pressure controlled by the fuel pump pressure relief valve. The poppet valve assembly is connected by a stem to the two main control diaphragms. The purpose of the regulator unit is to regulate the fuel pressure to the inlet side of the metering jets in the fuel control unit. This pressure is automatically regulated according to the mass airflow to the engine.

The carburetor fuel strainer, located in the inlet to chamber E, is a fine mesh screen through which all the fuel must pass as it enters chamber D. The strainer must be removed and cleaned at scheduled intervals.

Referring to Figure, assume that for a given airflow in lb/hr through the throttle body and venturi, a negative pressure of 1/4 psi is established in chamber B. This tends to move the diaphragm assembly and the poppet valve in a direction to open the poppet valve permitting more fuel to enter chamber D. The pressure in chamber C is held constant at 5 psi (10 psi on some installations) by the discharge nozzle or impeller fuel feed valve. Therefore, the diaphragm assembly and poppet valve moves in the open direction until the pressure in chamber D is 5 1/4 psi. Under these pressures, there is a balanced condition of the diaphragm assembly with a pressure drop of 1/4 psi across the jets in the fuel control unit (auto-rich or auto-lean).

If nozzle pressure (chamber C pressure) rises to 5 1/2 psi, the diaphragm assembly balance is upset, and the diaphragm assembly moves to open the poppet valve to establish the necessary 5 3/4 psi pressure in chamber D. Thus, the 1/4 psi differential between chamber C and chamber D is reestablished, and the pressure drop across the metering jets remains the same.

If the fuel inlet pressure is increased or decreased, the fuel flow into chamber D tends to increase or decrease with the pressure change causing the chamber D pressure to do likewise. This upsets the balanced condition previously established, and the poppet valve and diaphragm assembly respond by moving to increase or decrease the flow to reestablish the pressure at the 1/4 psi differential. 

The fuel flow changes when the mixture control plates are moved from auto-lean to auto-rich, thereby selecting a different set of jets or cutting one or two in or out of the system. When the mixture position is altered, the diaphragm and poppet valve assembly repositions to maintain the established pressure differential of 1/4 psi between chambers C and D, maintaining the established differential across the jets. Under low power settings (low airflows), the difference in pressure created by the boost venturi is not sufficient to accomplish consistent regulation of the fuel. Therefore, an idle spring, shown in Figure, is incorporated in the regulator. As the poppet valve moves toward the closed position, it contacts the idle spring. The spring holds the poppet valve off its seat far enough to provide more fuel than is needed for idling. This potentially overrich mixture is regulated by the idle valve. At idling speed, the idle valve restricts the fuel flow to the proper amount. At higher speeds, it is withdrawn from the fuel passage and has no metering effect.

Vapor vent systems are provided in these carburetors to eliminate fuel vapor created by the fuel pump, heat in the engine compartment, and the pressure drop across the poppet valve. The vapor vent is located in the fuel inlet (chamber E) or, on some models of carburetors, in both chambers D and E.

The vapor vent system operates in the following way. When air enters the chamber in which the vapor vent is installed, the air rises to the top of the chamber, displacing the fuel and lowering its level. When the fuel level has reached a predetermined position, the float (which floats in the fuel) pulls the vapor vent valve off its seat, permitting the vapor in the chamber to escape through the vapor vent seat, its connecting line, and back to the fuel tank.

If the vapor vent valve sticks in a closed position or the vent line from the vapor vent to the fuel tank becomes clogged, the vapor-eliminating action is stopped. This causes the vapor to build up within the carburetor to the extent that vapor passes through the metering jets with the fuel. With a given size carburetor metering jet, the metering of vapor reduces the quantity of fuel metered. This causes the fuel/air mixture to lean out, usually intermittently.

If the vapor vent valve sticks open or the vapor vent float becomes filled with fuel and sinks, a continuous flow of fuel and vapor occurs through the vent line. It is important to detect this condition, as the fuel flow from the carburetor to the fuel supply tank may cause an overflowing tank with resultant increased fuel consumption.

To check the vent system, disconnect the vapor vent line where it attaches to the carburetor, and turn the fuel booster pump on while observing the vapor vent connection at the carburetor. Move the carburetor mixture control to auto-rich; then return it to idle cutoff. When the fuel booster pump is turned on, there should be an initial ejection of fuel and air followed by a cutoff with not more than a steady drip from the vent connection. Installations with a fixed bleed from the D chamber connected to the vapor vent in the fuel inlet by a short external line should show an initial ejection of fuel and air followed by a continuing small stream of fuel. If there is no flow, the valve is sticking closed; if there is a steady flow, it is sticking open.

Fuel Control Unit 

The fuel control unit is attached to the regulator assembly and contains all metering jets and valves. The idle and power enrichment valves, together with the mixture control plates, select the jet combinations for the various settings (i.e., auto-rich, auto-lean, and idle cutoff).

The purpose of the fuel control unit is to meter and control the fuel flow to the discharge nozzle. The basic unit consists of three jets and four valves arranged in series, parallel, and series-parallel hookups.  These jets and valves receive fuel under pressure from the regulator unit and then meter the fuel as it flows to the discharge nozzle. The manual mixture control valve controls the fuel flow. By using proper size jets and regulating the pressure differential across the jets, the right amount of fuel is delivered to the discharge nozzle, giving the desired fuel/air ratio in the various power settings. It should be remembered that the inlet pressure to the jets is regulated by the regulator unit and the outlet pressure is controlled by the discharge nozzle.

The jets in the basic fuel control unit are the auto-lean jet, the auto-rich jet, and power enrichment jet. The basic fuel flow is the fuel required to run the engine with a lean mixture and is metered by the auto-lean jet. The auto-rich jet adds enough fuel to the basic flow to give a slightly richer mixture than best power mixture when the manual mixture control is in the auto-rich position.

The four valves in the basic fuel control unit are: 1. Idle needle valve 2. Power enrichment valve 3. Regulator fill valve 4. Manual mixture control.

The functions of these valves are: 1. The idle needle valve meters the fuel in the idle range only. It is a round, contoured needle valve, or a cylinder valve placed in series with all other metering devices of the basic fuel control unit. The idle needle valve is connected by linkage to the throttle shaft so that it restricts the fuel flowing at low power settings (idle range).

2. The manual mixture control is a rotary disk valve consisting of a round stationary disk with ports leading from the auto-lean jet, the auto-rich jet, and two smaller ventholes. Another rotating part, resembling a cloverleaf, is held against the stationary disk by spring tension and rotated over the ports in that disk by the manual mixture control lever. All ports and vents are closed in the idle cutoff position. In the autolean position, the ports from the auto-lean jet and the two ventholes are open. The port from the auto-rich jet remains closed in this position. In the auto-rich position, all ports are open. The valve plate positions are illustrated in Figure. The three positions of the manual mixture control lever make it possible to select a lean mixture a rich mixture, or to stop fuel flow entirely. The idle cutoff position is used for starting or stopping the engine. During starting, fuel is supplied by the primer.

3. The regulator fill valve is a small poppet-type valve located in a fuel passage which supplies chamber C of the regulator unit with metered fuel pressure. In idle cutoff, the flat portion of the cam lines up with the valve stem, and a spring closes the valve. This provides a means of shutting off the fuel flow to chamber C and thus provides for a positive idle cutoff.

4. The power enrichment valve is another poppet-type valve. It is in parallel with the auto-lean and auto-rich jets, but it is in series with the power enrichment jet. This valve starts to open at the beginning of the power range. It is opened by the unmetered fuel pressure overcoming metered fuel pressure and spring tension. The power enrichment valve continues to open wider during the power range until the combined flow through the valve and the auto-rich jet exceeds that of the power enrichment jet. At this point the power enrichment jet takes over the metering and meters fuel throughout the power range.

5. Carburetors equipped for water injection are modified by the addition of a derichment valve and a derichment jet. The derichment valve and derichment jet are in series with each other and parallel with the power enrichment jet.

The carburetor controls fuel flow by varying two basic factors. The fuel control unit, acting as a pressure-reducing valve, determines the metering pressure in response to the metering forces. The regulator unit, in effect, varies the size of the orifice through which the metering pressure forces the fuel. It is a basic law of hydraulics that the amount of fluid that passes through an orifice varies with the size of the orifice and the pressure drop across it. The internal automatic devices and mixture control act together to determine the effective size of the metering passage through which the fuel passes. The internal devices, fixed jets, and variable power enrichment valve are not subject to direct external control.


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