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πŸ”΅✈️ Aircraft Engine: Water Injection System 🚁

Aircraft Engine: Water Injection System

On warm days, thrust is reduced because of the decrease in air density. This can be compensated for by injecting water at the compressor inlet or diffuser case. This lowers the air temperature and increases air density. A microswitch in the fuel control is actuated by the control shaft when the power lever is moved toward the maximum power position.

A water injection speed reset servo resets the speed adjustment to a higher value during water injection. Without this adjustment, the fuel control would decrease rpm so that no additional thrust would be realized during water injection. The servo is a shuttle valve that is acted upon by water pressure during water injection. Movement of the servo displaces a lever on the cam-operated lever linkage to the speed governor speeder spring, increasing the force of the speeder spring and increasing the set speed. Because the resulting rpm is usually higher while water is flowing, increased thrust during water injection is ensured. If the water injection system is not armed in the cockpit or if there is no water available, nothing happens when the water injection switch in the fuel control unit is actuated. When water is available, a portion of it is directed to the water injection speed re-set servo. Water injection systems are not normally used on high-bypass turbofan engines.