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πŸ”΅✈️ Aviation: Troubleshooting Aircraft Tachometer System 🚁

A function of the rpm check is troubleshooting the aircraft tachometer system. The rpm check circuit in the analyzer is used to read engine speed during engine run-up with an accuracy of ±0.1 percent. The connections for the rpm check are the instrument cable and aircraft tachometer system lead to the tachometer indicator. After the connections have been made between the analyzer rpm check circuit and the aircraft tachometer circuit, the two circuits, now classed as one, are a parallel circuit. The engine is then run-up as prescribed in applicable technical instructions. Both systems can be read simultaneously.

If the difference between the readings of the aircraft tachometer indicator and the analyzer rpm check circuit exceeds the tolerance prescribed in applicable technical instructions, the engine must be stopped, and the trouble located and corrected. 

Aviation: Troubleshooting Aircraft Tachometer System