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🔵✈️ Important characteristics of Corrosion Control in an aircraft 🚁​

Aviation: Cleaning and Corrosion Control

Many aircraft structures are made of metal, and the most insidious form of damage to those structures is corrosion. From the moment the metal is manufactured, it must be protected from the deleterious effects of the environment that surrounds it. This protection can be the introduction of certain elements into the base metal, creating a corrosion-resistant alloy, or the addition of a surface coating of a chemical conversion coating, metal, or paint. While in use, additional moisture barriers, such as viscous lubricants and protectants, may be added to the surface.

The introduction of airframes built primarily of composite components has not eliminated the need for careful monitoring of aircraft with regard to corrosion. The airframe itself may not be subject to corrosion; however, the use of metal components and accessories within the airframe means the aircraft maintenance technician (AMT) must be on the alert for the evidence of corrosion when inspecting any aircraft.

This chapter provides an overview to the problems associated with aircraft corrosion. For more in-depth information on the subject, refer to the latest edition of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circular (AC) 43-4, Corrosion Control for Aircraft. The AC is an extensive handbook that deals with the sources of corrosion particular to aircraft structures, as well as steps the AMT can take in the course of maintaining aircraft that have been attacked by corrosion. 

Corrosion of metals

Metal corrosion is the deterioration of the metal by chemical or electrochemical attack. This type of damage can take place internally, as well as on the surface. As in the rotting of wood, this deterioration may change the smooth surface, weaken the interior, or damage or loosen adjacent parts. 

Water or water vapor containing salt combines with oxygen in the atmosphere to produce the main source of corrosion in aircraft. Aircraft operating in a marine environment, or in areas where the atmosphere contains industrial fumes that are corrosive, are particularly susceptible to corrosive attacks.

If left unchecked, corrosion can cause eventual structural failure. The appearance of corrosion varies with the metal. On the surface of aluminum alloys and magnesium, it appears as pitting and etching and is often combined with a gray or white powdery deposit. On copper and copper alloys, the corrosion forms a greenish film; on steel, a reddish corrosion byproduct commonly referred to as rust. When the gray, white, green, or reddish deposits are removed, each of the surfaces may appear etched and pitted, depending upon the length of exposure and severity of attack. If these surface pits are not too deep, they may not significantly alter the strength of the metal; however, the pits may become sites for crack development, particularly if the part is highly stressed. Some types of corrosion burrow between the inside of surface coatings and the metal surface, spreading until the part fails.

Factors Affecting Corrosion 

Many factors affect the type, speed, cause, and seriousness of metal corrosion. Some of these factors that influence metal corrosion and the rate of corrosion are: 

1. Type of metal 

2. Heat treatment and grain direction 

3. Presence of a dissimilar, less corrodible metal 

4. Anodic and cathodic surface areas (in galvanic corrosion) 

5. Temperature 

6. Presence of electrolytes (hard water, salt water, battery fluids, etc.) 

7. Availability of oxygen 

8. Presence of biological organisms 

9. Mechanical stress on the corroding metal 

10. Time of exposure to a corrosive environment 

11. Lead/graphite pencil marks on aircraft surface metals 

he galvanic series of metals and alloys.

Pure Metals 

Most pure metals are not suitable for aircraft construction and are used only in combination with other metals to form alloys. Most alloys are made up entirely of small crystalline regions called grains. Corrosion can occur on surfaces of those regions that are less resistant and also at boundaries between regions, resulting in the formation of pits and intergranular corrosion. Metals have a wide range of corrosion resistance. The most active metals (those that lose electrons easily), such as magnesium and aluminum, corrode easily. The most noble metals (those that do not lose electrons easily), such as gold and silver, do not corrode easily.


The environmental conditions that an aircraft is maintained and operated under greatly affects corrosion characteristics. In a predominately marine environment (with exposure to sea water and salt air), moisture-laden air is considerably more detrimental to an aircraft than it would be if all operations were conducted in a dry climate. Temperature considerations are important, because the speed of electrochemical attack is increased in a hot, moist climate. 

Geographical Location 

The flight routes and bases of operation expose some airplanes to more corrosive conditions than others. The operational environment of an aircraft may be categorized as mild, moderate, or severe with respect to the corrosion severity of the operational environment. The corrosion severity of the operational environments in North America are identified in Figure. Additional maps for other locations around the world are published in AC 43-4.

The corrosion severity of any particular area may be increased by many factors, including airborne industrial pollutants, chemicals used on runways and taxiways to prevent ice formation, humidity, temperatures, prevailing winds from a corrosive environment, etc. Suggested intervals for cleaning, inspection, lubrication, and preservation when located in mild zones are every 90 days, moderate zones every 45 days, and severe zones every 15 days.

Foreign Material 

Among the controllable factors that affect the onset and spread of corrosive attack is foreign material that adheres to the metal surfaces. Such foreign material includes:  

• Soil and atmospheric dust 

• Oil, grease, and engine exhaust residues 

• Salt water and salt moisture condensation 

• Spilled battery acids and caustic cleaning solutions 

• Welding and brazing flux residues 


Slimes, molds, fungi and other living organisms (some microscopic) can grow on damp surfaces. Once they are established, the area tends to remain damp, increasing the possibility of corrosion.

Electrochemical attack.

Manufacturing Processes 

Manufacturing processes, such as machining, forming, welding, or heat treatment, can leave stresses in aircraft parts. The residual stress can cause cracking in a corrosive environment when the threshold for stress corrosion is exceeded.  

It is important that aircraft be kept clean. How often and to what extent an aircraft must be cleaned depends on several factors, including geographic location, model of aircraft, and type of operation.

Types of Corrosion 

There are two general classifications of corrosion that cover most of the specific forms: direct chemical attack and electrochemical attack. In both types of corrosion, the metal is converted into a metallic compound, such as an oxide, hydroxide, or sulfate. The corrosion process involves two simultaneous changes: the metal that is attacked or oxidized suffers what is called anodic change, and the corrosive agent is reduced and is considered as undergoing cathodic change.

Direct Chemical Attack 

Direct chemical attack, or pure chemical corrosion, is an attack resulting from direct exposure of a bare surface to caustic liquid or gaseous agents. Unlike electrochemical attack where anodic and cathodic changes take place a measurable distance apart, the changes in direct chemical attack occur simultaneously at the same point. The most common agents causing direct chemical attack on aircraft are: spilled battery acid or fumes from batteries; residual flux deposits resulting from inadequately cleaned, welded, brazed, or soldered joints; and entrapped caustic cleaning solutions.

With the introduction of sealed lead-acid batteries and the use Electrochemical Attack of nickel-cadmium batteries, spilled battery acid is becoming less of a problem. The use of these closed units lessens the hazards of acid spillage and battery fumes.

Many types of fluxes used in brazing, soldering, and welding are corrosive, chemically attacking the metals or alloys that they are used with. Therefore, it is important to remove residual flux from the metal surface immediately after the joining operation. Flux residues are hygroscopic in nature, absorbing moisture, and unless carefully removed, tend to cause severe pitting. 

Caustic cleaning solutions in concentrated form are kept tightly capped and as far from aircraft as possible. Some cleaning solutions used in corrosion removal are, in themselves, potentially corrosive agents. Therefore, particular attention must be directed toward their complete removal after use on aircraft. Where entrapment of the cleaning solution is likely to occur, use a noncorrosive cleaning agent, even though it is less efficient. 

Intergranular corrosion of 7075-T6 aluminum adjacent to steel fastener.

Electrochemical Attack

Corrosion is a natural occurrence that attacks metal by chemical or electrochemical action, converting it back to a metallic compound. The following four conditions must exist before electrochemical corrosion can occur.

1. A metal subject to corrosion (anode) 

2. A dissimilar conductive material (cathode) that has less tendency to corrode 

3. Presence of a continuous, conductive liquid path (electrolyte) 

4. Electrical contact between the anode and the cathode (usually in the form of metal to metal contact, such as rivets, bolts, and corrosion)   

Elimination of any one of these conditions stops electrochemical corrosion.

NOTE: Paint can mask the initial stages of corrosion. Since corrosion products occupy more volume than the original metal, painted surfaces must be inspected often for irregularities, such as blisters, flakes, chips, and lumps.

An electrochemical attack may be likened chemically to the electrolytic reaction that takes place in electroplating, anodizing, or in a dry cell battery. The reaction in this corrosive attack requires a medium, usually water, that is capable of conducting a tiny current of electricity. When a metal comes in contact with a corrosive agent and is also connected by a liquid or gaseous path that electrons flow through, corrosion begins as the metal decays by oxidation. During the attack, the quantity of corrosive agent is reduced and, if not renewed or removed, may completely react with the metal becoming neutralized. Different areas of the same metal surface have varying levels of electrical potential and, if connected by a conductor such as salt water, sets up a series of corrosion cells and corrosion will commence.  

All metals and alloys are electrically active and have a specific electrical potential in a given chemical environment. This potential is commonly referred to as the metal’s “nobility.” The less noble a metal is, the more easily it can be corroded. The metals chosen for use in aircraft structures are a studied compromise with strength, weight, corrosion resistance, workability, and cost balanced against the structure’s needs.

The constituents in an alloy also have specific electrical potentials that are generally different from each other. Exposure of the alloy surface to a conductive, corrosive medium causes the more active metal to become anodic and the less active metal to become cathodic, thereby establishing conditions for corrosion. These are called local cells. The greater the difference in electrical potential between the two metals, the greater the severity of a corrosive attack if the proper conditions are allowed to develop.

The conditions for these corrosion reactions are the presence of a conductive fluid and metals having a difference in potential. If, by regular cleaning and surface refinishing, the medium is removed and the minute electrical circuit eliminated, corrosion cannot occur. This is the basis for effective corrosion control. The electrochemical attack is responsible for most forms of corrosion on aircraft structure and component parts.

Forms of Corrosion

There are many forms of corrosion. The form of corrosion depends on the metal involved, its size and shape, its specific function, atmospheric conditions, and the corrosion producing agents present. Those described in this section are the more common forms found on airframe structures.

Surface Corrosion 

General surface corrosion (also referred to as uniform etch or uniform attack corrosion) is the most common form of corrosion. Surface corrosion appears as a general roughening, etching, or pitting of the surface of a metal, frequently accompanied by a powdery deposit of corrosion products. Surface corrosion may be caused by either direct chemical or electrochemical attack. Sometimes corrosion spreads under the surface coating and cannot be recognized by either the roughening of the surface or the powdery deposit. Instead, closer inspection reveals the paint or plating is lifted off the surface in small blisters that result from the pressure of the underlying accumulation of corrosion products.

Filiform Corrosion 

Filiform corrosion is a special form of oxygen concentration cell that occurs on metal surfaces having an organic coating system. It is recognized by its characteristic wormlike trace of corrosion products beneath the paint film. Polyurethane finishes are especially susceptible to filiform corrosion. Filiform occurs when the relative humidity of the air is between 78–90 percent, and the surface is slightly acidic. This corrosion usually attacks steel and aluminum surfaces. The traces never cross on steel, but they cross under one another on aluminum, making the damage deeper and more severe for aluminum. If the corrosion is not removed, the area treated, and a protective finish applied, the corrosion can lead to intergranular corrosion, especially around fasteners and at seams.

Filiform corrosion can be removed using glass bead blasting material with portable abrasive blasting equipment or sanding. Filiform corrosion can be prevented by storing aircraft in an environment with a relative humidity below 70 percent, using coating systems having a low rate of diffusion for oxygen and water vapors, and by washing the aircraft to remove acidic contaminants from the surface, such as those created by pollutants in the air.

Pitting Corrosion 

Pitting corrosion is one of the most destructive and intense forms of corrosion. It can occur in any metal but is most common on metals that form protective oxide films, such as aluminum and magnesium alloys. It is first noticeable as a white or gray powdery deposit, similar to dust, which blotches the surface. When the deposit is cleaned away, tiny holes or pits can be seen in the surface. These small surface openings may penetrate deeply into structural members and cause damage completely out of proportion to its surface appearance.

Dissimilar Metal Corrosion 

Extensive pitting damage may result from contact between dissimilar metal parts in the presence of a conductor. While surface corrosion may or may not be taking place, a galvanic action, not unlike electroplating, occurs at the points or areas of contact where the insulation between the surfaces has broken down or been omitted. This electrochemical attack can be very serious because, in many instances, the action is taking place out of sight, and the only way to detect it prior to structural failure is by disassembly and inspection. 

The contamination of a metal’s surface by mechanical means can also induce dissimilar metal corrosion. The improper use of steel cleaning products, such as steel wool or a steel wire brush on aluminum or magnesium, can force small pieces of steel into the metal being cleaned, causing corrosion and ruining the adjoining surface. Carefully monitor the use of nonwoven abrasive pads, so that pads used on one type of metal are not used again on a different metal surface.

Concentration Cell Corrosion 

Concentration cell corrosion, (also known as crevice corrosion) is corrosion of metals in a metal-to-metal joint, corrosion at the edge of a joint even though the joined metals are identical, or corrosion of a spot on the metal surface covered by a foreign material. Metal ion concentration cells, oxygen concentration cells, and active-passive cells are three general types of concentration cell corrosion.

Metal Ion Concentration Cells: The solution may consist of water and ions of the metal that are in contact with water. A high concentration of metal ions normally exists under faying surfaces where the solution is stagnant and a low concentration of metal ions exist adjacent to the crevice, created by the faying surface. An electrical potential exists between the two points: the area of the metal in contact with the low concentration of metal ions is anodic and corrodes; the area in contact with the high metal ion concentration is cathodic and does not show signs of corrosion. 

Filiform corrosion

Oxygen Concentration Cells: The solution in contact with the metal surface normally contains dissolved oxygen. An oxygen cell can develop at any point where the oxygen in the air is not allowed to diffuse into the solution, thereby creating a difference in oxygen concentration between two points. Typical locations of oxygen concentration cells are under gaskets, wood, rubber, and other materials in contact with the metal surface. Corrosion occurs at the area of low oxygen concentration (anode). Alloys such as stainless steel are particularly susceptible to this type of crevice corrosion.

Active-Passive Cells: Metals that depend on a tightly adhering passive film, usually an oxide for corrosion protection, are prone to rapid corrosive attack by active-passive cells. The corrosive action usually starts as an oxygen concentration cell. The passive film is broken beneath the dirt particle exposing the active metal to corrosive attack. An electrical potential will develop between the large area of the passive film and the small area of the active metal, resulting in rapid pitting.

Intergranular Corrosion 

This type of corrosion is an attack along the grain boundaries of an alloy and commonly results from a lack of uniformity in the alloy structure. Aluminum alloys and some stainless steels are particularly susceptible to this form of electrochemical attack. The lack of uniformity is caused by changes that occur in the alloy during the heating and cooling process of the material’s manufacturing. Intergranular corrosion may exist without visible surface evidence. High-strength aluminum alloys, such as 2014 and 7075, are more susceptible to intergranular corrosion if they have been improperly heattreated and then exposed to a corrosive environment. 

Exfoliation Corrosion 

Exfoliation corrosion is an advanced form of intergranular corrosion and shows itself by lifting up the surface grains of a metal by the force of expanding corrosion products occurring at the grain boundaries just below the surface. It is visible evidence of intergranular corrosion and is most often seen on extruded sections where grain thickness is usually less than in rolled forms. This type of corrosion is difficult to detect in its initial stage. Extruded components, such as spars, can be subject to this type of corrosion. Ultrasonic and eddy current inspection methods are being used with a great deal of success. 


This form of corrosion involves a constant or cyclic stress acting in conjunction with a damaging chemical environment. The stress may be caused by internal or external loading. Internal stress may be trapped in a part of structure during manufacturing processes, such as cold working or by unequal cooling from high temperatures. Most manufacturers follow these processes with a stress relief operation. Even so, sometimes stress remains trapped. The stress may be externally introduced in part structure by riveting, welding, bolting, clamping, press fit, etc. If a slight mismatch occurs or a fastener is over-torqued, internal stress is present. Internal stress is more important than design stress, because stress corrosion is difficult to recognize before it has overcome the design safety factor. The level of stress varies from point to point within the metal. Stresses near the yield strength are generally necessary to promote stress corrosion cracking. However, failures may occur at lower stresses.

Specific environments have been identified that cause stress corrosion cracking of certain alloys.

1. Salt solutions and sea water cause stress corrosion cracking of high-strength, heat-treated steel and aluminum alloys. 

2. Methyl alcohol-hydrochloric acid solutions cause stress corrosion cracking of some titanium alloys. 

3. Magnesium alloys may stress corrode in moist air.  

Stress corrosion may be reduced by applying protective coatings, stress relief heat treatments, using corrosion inhibitors, or controlling the environment. Shot peening a metal surface increases resistance to stress corrosion cracking by creating compressive stresses on the surface which should be overcome by applied tensile stress before the surface sees any tension load. Therefore, the threshold stress level is increased.

Fretting Corrosion 

Fretting corrosion is a particularly damaging form of corrosive attack that occurs when two mating surfaces, normally at rest with respect to one another, are subject to slight relative motion. It is characterized by pitting of the surfaces and the generation of considerable quantities of finely divided debris. Since the restricted movements of the two surfaces prevent the debris from escaping very easily, an extremely localized abrasion occurs. The presence of water vapor greatly increases this type of deterioration. If the contact areas are small and sharp, deep grooves resembling brinell markings or pressure indentations may be worn in the rubbing surface. As a result, this type of corrosion on bearing surfaces has also been called false brinelling. The most common example of fretting corrosion is the smoking rivet found on engine cowling and wing skins. This is one corrosion reaction that is not driven by an electrolyte, and in fact, moisture may inhibit the reaction. A smoking rivet is identified by a black ring around the rivet.

Fatigue Corrosion 

Fatigue corrosion involves cyclic stress and a corrosive environment. Metals may withstand cyclic stress for an infinite number of cycles so long as the stress is below the endurance limit of the metal. Once the limit has been exceeded, the metal eventually cracks and fails from metal fatigue. However, when the part or structure undergoing cyclic stress is also exposed to a corrosive environment, the stress level for failure may be reduced many times. Thus, failure occurs at stress levels that can be dangerously low depending on the number of cycles assigned to the lifelimited part. 

Fatigue corrosion failure occurs in two stages. During the first stage, the combined action of corrosion and cyclic stress damages the metal by pitting and crack formations to such a degree that fracture by cyclic stress occurs, even if the corrosive environment is completely removed. The second stage is essentially a fatigue stage where failure proceeds by propagation of the crack (often from a corrosion pit or pits). It is controlled primarily by stress concentration effects and the physical properties of the metal. Fracture of a metal part due to fatigue corrosion generally occurs at a stress level far below the fatigue limit of an uncorroded part, even though the amount of corrosion is relatively small.

Galvanic Corrosion 

Galvanic corrosion occurs when two dissimilar metals make electrical contact in the presence of an electrolyte. [Figure 8-18] The rate which corrosion occurs depends on the difference in the activities. The greater the difference in activity, the faster corrosion occurs. The rate of galvanic corrosion also depends on the size of the parts in contact. If the surface area of the corroding metal is smaller than the surface area of the less active metal, corrosion is rapid and severe. When the corroding metal is larger than the less active metal, corrosion is slow and superficial.  

Common Corrosive Agents 

Substances that cause corrosion of metals are called corrosive agents. The most common corrosive agents are acids, alkalies, and salts. The atmosphere and water, the two most common media for these agents, may also act as corrosive agents. 

Acids: moderately strong acids severely corrode most of the alloys used in airframes. The most destructive are sulfuric acid (battery acid), halogen acids (hydrochloric, hydrofluoric, and hydrobromic), nitrous oxide compounds, and organic acids found in the wastes of humans and animals.

Alkalies: as a group, alkalies are not as corrosive as acids. Aluminum and magnesium alloys are exceedingly prone to corrosive attack by many alkaline solutions unless the solutions contain a corrosion inhibitor. Substances particularly corrosive to aluminum are washing soda, potash (wood ashes), and lime (cement dust). Ammonia, an alkali, is an exception because aluminum alloys are highly resistant to it. 

Salts: most salt solutions are good electrolytes and can promote corrosive attack. Some stainless-steel alloys are resistant to attack by salt solutions but aluminum alloy, magnesium alloys, and other steels are extremely vulnerable. Exposure of airframe materials to salts or their solutions is extremely undesirable. 

Atmosphere: the major atmospheric corrosive agents are oxygen and airborne moisture. Corrosion often results from the direct action of atmospheric oxygen and moisture on metal, and the presence of additional moisture often accelerates corrosive attack, particularly on ferrous alloys. However, the atmosphere may also contain other corrosive gases and contaminants, particularly industrial and marine salt spray.  

Water: the corrosiveness of water depends on the type and quantity of dissolved mineral and organic impurities and dissolved gasses (particularly oxygen) in the water. One characteristic of water that determines its corrosiveness is the conductivity or ability to act as an electrolyte and conduct a current. Physical factors, such as water temperature and velocity, also have a direct bearing on its corrosiveness.

Surface corrosion.

Preventive Maintenance 

Much has been done to improve the corrosion resistance of aircraft, such as improvements in materials, surface treatments, insulation, and modern protective finishes. All of these have been aimed at reducing the overall maintenance effort, as well as improving reliability. In spite of these improvements, corrosion and its control is a very real problem that requires continuous preventive maintenance. During any corrosion control maintenance, consult the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for information on any chemicals used in the process. Corrosion preventive maintenance includes the following specific functions: 

1. Adequate cleaning 

2. Thorough periodic lubrication 

3. Detailed inspection for corrosion and failure of protective systems 

4. Prompt treatment of corrosion and touch up of damaged paint areas 

5. Accurate record keeping and reporting of material or design deficiencies to the manufacturer and the FAA 

6. Use of appropriate materials, equipment, technical publications, and adequately-training personnel 

7. Maintenance of the basic finish systems 

8. Keeping drain holes free of obstructions 

9. Daily draining of fuel cell sumps 

10. Daily wipe down of exposed critical areas 

11. Sealing of aircraft against water during foul weather and proper ventilation on warm, sunny days 

12. Replacing deteriorated or damaged gaskets and sealants to avoid water intrusion and/or entrapment

13. Maximum use of protective covers on parked aircraft

After any period where regular corrosion preventive maintenance is interrupted, the amount of maintenance required to repair accumulated corrosion damage and bring the aircraft back up to standard is usually quite high.


Inspection for corrosion is a continuing problem and must be handled daily. Overemphasizing a particular corrosion problem when it is discovered and then forgetting about corrosion until the next crisis is an unsafe, costly, and troublesome practice. Most scheduled maintenance checklists are complete enough to cover all parts of the aircraft or engine, thus no part of the aircraft goes uninspected. Use these checklists as a general guide when an area is to be inspected for corrosion. Through experience, one learns that most aircraft have trouble areas where, despite routine inspection and maintenance, corrosion still sets in.

All corrosion inspections start with a thorough cleaning of the area to be inspected. A general visual inspection of the area follows using a flashlight, inspection mirror, and a 5– l0X magnifying glass. The general inspection is to look for obvious defects and suspected areas. A detailed inspection of damage or suspected areas found during the general inspection follows.

Visual inspection is the most widely used technique and is an effective method for the detection and evaluation of corrosion. Visual inspection employs the eyes to look directly at an aircraft surface or at a low angle of incidence to detect corrosion. Using the sense of touch is also an effective inspection method for the detection of hidden, well-developed corrosion. Other tools used during the visual inspection are mirrors, optical micrometers, and depth gauges.

Sometimes the inspection areas are obscured by structural members, equipment installations, or for some reason are awkward to check visually. Adequate access for inspection must be obtained by removing access panels and adjacent equipment, cleaning the area as necessary, and removing loose or cracked sealants and paints. Mirrors, borescopes, and fiber optics are useful in providing the means of observing obscure areas.

In addition to visual inspection, there are several NDI methods, such as liquid penetrant, magnetic particle, eddy current, x-ray, ultrasonic, and acoustical emission, that may be of value in the detection of corrosion. These methods have limitations and must be performed only by qualified and certified NDI personnel. Eddy current, x-ray, and ultrasonic inspection methods require properly calibrated (each time used) equipment and a controlling reference standard to obtain reliable results. 

In addition to routine maintenance inspections, amphibians or seaplanes must be checked daily and critical areas cleaned or treated, as necessary.

Corrosion Prone Areas 

Discussed briefly in this section are most of the corrosion problem areas common to all aircraft. These areas should be cleaned, inspected, and treated more frequently than less corrosion prone areas. This information is not necessarily complete and may be amplified and expanded to cover the special characteristics of the particular aircraft model involved by referring to the applicable maintenance manual.

  • Exhaust Trail Areas
  • Battery Compartments and Battery Vent Openings
  • Bilge Areas
  • Lavatories, Buffets, and Galleys
  • Wheel Well and Landing Gear
  • Water Entrapment Areas
  • Engine Frontal Areas and Cooling Air Vents
  • Wing Flap and Spoiler Recesses
  • External Skin Areas
  • Electronic and Electrical Compartments

Corrosion Removal 

In general, any complete corrosion treatment involves cleaning and stripping of the corroded area, removing as much of the corrosion products as practicable, neutralizing any residual materials remaining in pits and crevices, restoring protective surface films, and applying temporary or permanent coatings or paint finishes.

Repair of corrosion damage includes removal of all corrosion and corrosion products. When the corrosion damage is severe and exceeds the damage limits set by the aircraft or parts manufacturer, the part must be replaced. The following paragraphs deal with the correction of corrosive attack on aircraft surface and components where deterioration has not progressed to the point requiring rework or structural repair of the part involved.

Several standard methods are available for corrosion removal. The methods normally used to remove corrosion are mechanical and chemical. Mechanical methods include hand sanding using abrasive mat, abrasive paper, or metal wool, and powered mechanical sanding, grinding, and buffing, using abrasive mat, grinding wheels, sanding discs, and abrasive rubber mats. However, the method used depends upon the metal and the degree of corrosion.  

Surface Cleaning and Paint Removal 

The removal of corrosion includes removal of surface finishes covering the attacked or suspected area. To assure maximum efficiency of the stripping compound, the area must be cleaned of grease, oil, dirt, or preservatives. This preliminary cleaning operation is also an aid in determining the extent of the spread of the corrosion, since the stripping operation is held to the minimum consistent with full exposure of the corrosion damage. Extensive corrosion spread on any panel is to be corrected by fully treating the entire section. 

The selection of the type of materials to be used in cleaning depends on the nature of the matter to be removed. Modern environmental standards encourage the use of water-based, non-toxic cleaning compounds whenever possible. In some locations, local or state laws may require the use of such products, and prohibit the use of solvents that contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Where permitted, dry cleaning solvent (P-D-680) may be used for removing oil, grease, or soft preservative compounds. For heavy-duty removal of thick or dried preservatives, other compounds of the solvent emulsion type are available.

The use of a general purpose, water soluble stripper can be used for most applications. There are other methods for paint removal that have minimal impact upon the aircraft structure, and are considered “environmentally friendly.” 

Wherever practicable, chemical paint removal from any large area is to be accomplished outside (in open air) and preferably in shaded areas. If inside removal is necessary, adequate ventilation must be assured. Synthetic rubber surfaces, including aircraft tires, fabric, and acrylics, must be thoroughly protected against possible contact with paint remover. Care must be exercised in using paint remover, especially around gas or watertight seam sealants, since the stripper tends to soften and destroy the integrity of these sealants. 

Mask off any opening that would permit the stripping compound to get into aircraft interiors or critical cavities. Paint stripper is toxic and contains ingredients harmful to both skin and eyes. Therefore, wear rubber gloves, aprons of acid repellent material, and goggle type eyeglasses.

Exfoliation corrosion

Corrosion of Ferrous Metals 

One of the most familiar types of corrosion is ferrous oxide (rust), generally resulting from atmospheric oxidation of steel surfaces. Some metal oxides protect the underlying base metal, but rust is not a protective coating in any sense of the word. Its presence actually promotes additional attack by attracting moisture from the air and acting as a catalyst for additional corrosion. If complete control of the corrosive attack is to be realized, all rust must be removed from steel surfaces. 

Rust first appears on bolt heads, hold-down nuts, or other unprotected aircraft hardware. Its presence in these areas is generally not dangerous and has no immediate effect on the structural strength of any major components. The residue from the rust may also contaminate other ferrous components, promoting corrosion of those parts. The rust is indicative of a need for maintenance and of possible corrosive attack in more critical areas. It is also a factor in the general appearance of the equipment. When paint failures occur or mechanical damage exposes highly-stressed steel surfaces to the atmosphere, even the smallest amount of rusting is potentially dangerous in these areas and must be removed and controlled. Rust removal from structural components, followed by an inspection and damage assessment, must be done as soon as feasible.

Mechanical Removal of Iron Rust 

The most practicable means of controlling the corrosion of steel is the complete removal of corrosion products by mechanical means and restoring corrosion preventive coatings. Except on highly-stressed steel surfaces, the use of abrasive papers and compounds, small power buffers and buffing compounds, hand wire brushing, or steel wool are all acceptable cleanup procedures. However, it should be recognized that in any such use of abrasives, residual rust usually remains in the bottom of small pits and other crevices. It is practically impossible to remove all corrosion products by abrasive or polishing methods alone. As a result, once a part cleaned in such a manner has rusted, it usually corrodes again more easily than it did the first time. 

The introduction of variations of the nonwoven abrasive pad has also increased the options available for the removal of surface rust. Flap wheels, pads intended for use with rotary or oscillating power tools, and hand-held nonwoven abrasive pads all can be used alone or with light oils to remove corrosion from ferrous components. 

Fretting corrosion.

Chemical Removal of Rust 

As environmental concerns have been addressed in recent years, interest in noncaustic chemical rust removal has increased. A variety of commercial products that actively remove the iron oxide without chemically etching the base metal are available and can be considered for use. If at all possible, the steel part is removed from the airframe for treatment, as it can be nearly impossible to remove all residue. The use of any caustic rust removal product requires the isolation of the part from any nonferrous metals during treatment and probably inspection for proper dimensions.

Chemical Surface Treatment of Steel 

There are approved methods for converting active rust to phosphates and other protective coatings. Other commercial preparations are effective rust converters where tolerances are not critical and where thorough rinsing and neutralizing of residual acid is possible. These situations are generally not applicable to assembled aircraft, and the use of chemical inhibitors on installed steel parts is not only undesirable, but also very dangerous. The danger of entrapment of corrosive solutions and the resulting uncontrolled attack, that could occur when such materials are used under field conditions, outweigh any advantages to be gained from their use.

Removal of Corrosion from Highly Stressed Steel Parts 

Any corrosion on the surface of a highly-stressed steel part is potentially dangerous, and the careful removal of corrosion products is required. Surface scratches or change in surface structure from overheating can also cause sudden failure of these parts. Corrosion products must be removed by careful processing, using mild abrasive papers, such as rouge or fine grit aluminum oxide or fine buffing compounds on cloth buffing wheels. Nonwoven abrasive pads can also be used. It is essential that steel surfaces not be overheated during buffing. After careful removal of surface corrosion, reapply protective paint finishes immediately. The use of chemical corrosion removers is prohibited without engineering authorization, because high-strength steel parts are subject to hydrogen embrittlement. 

Corrosion of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys 

Aluminum and aluminum alloys are the most widely used material for aircraft construction. Aluminum appears high in the electro-chemical series of elements and corrodes very easily. However, the formation of a tightly-adhering oxide film offers increased resistance under most corrosive conditions. Most metals in contact with aluminum form couples that undergo galvanic corrosion attack. The alloys of aluminum are subject to pitting, intergranular corrosion, and intergranular stress corrosion cracking. In some cases, the corrosion products of metal in contact with aluminum are corrosive to aluminum. Therefore, aluminum and its alloys must be cleaned and protected.

Corrosion on aluminum surfaces is usually quite obvious, since the products of corrosion are white and generally more voluminous than the original base metal. Even in its early stages, aluminum corrosion is evident as general etching, pitting, or roughness of the aluminum surfaces.

NOTE: Aluminum alloys commonly form a smooth surface oxidation that is from 0.001" to 0.0025" thick. This is not considered detrimental. The coating provides a hard-shell barrier to the introduction of corrosive elements. Such oxidation is not to be confused with the severe corrosion discussed in this paragraph.  

General surface attack of aluminum penetrates relatively slowly, but speeds up in the presence of dissolved salts. Considerable attack can usually take place before serious loss of structural strength develops.

At least three forms of attack on aluminum alloys are particularly serious: the penetrating pit-type corrosion through the walls of aluminum tubing, stress-corrosion cracking of materials under sustained stress, and intergranular corrosion, which is characteristic of certain improperly heattreated aluminum alloys. 

In general, corrosion of aluminum can be more effectively treated in place compared to corrosion occurring on other structural materials used in aircraft. Treatment includes the mechanical removal of as much of the corrosion products as practicable and the inhibition of residual materials by chemical means, followed by the restoration of permanent surface coatings.

Treatment of Unpainted Aluminum Surfaces 

Relatively pure aluminum has considerably more corrosion resistance when compared with the stronger aluminum alloys. To take advantage of this characteristic, a thin coating of relatively pure aluminum is applied over the base aluminum alloy. The protection obtained is good and the pure-aluminum clad surface, commonly called “Alclad,” can be maintained in a polished condition. In cleaning such surfaces, however, care must be taken to prevent staining and marring of the exposed aluminum. More important from a protection standpoint, avoid unnecessary mechanical removal of the protective Alclad layer and the exposure of the more susceptible aluminum alloy base material.

Treatment of Anodized Surfaces 

As previously stated, anodizing is a common surface treatment of aluminum alloys. When this coating is damaged in service, it can only be partially restored by chemical surface treatment. Therefore, avoid destruction of the oxide film in the unaffected area when performing any corrosion correction of anodized surfaces. Do not use steel wool or steel wire brushes. Do not use severe abrasive materials. 

Nonwoven abrasive pads have generally replaced aluminum wool, aluminum wire brushes, or fiber bristle brushes as the tools used for cleaning corroded anodized surfaces. Care must be exercised in any cleaning process to avoid unnecessary breaking of the adjacent protective film. Take every precaution to maintain as much of the protective coating as practicable. Otherwise, treat anodized surfaces in the same manner as other aluminum finishes. Chromic acid and other inhibitive treatments can be used to restore the oxide film.

Treatment of Intergranular Corrosion in Heat-Treated Aluminum Alloy Surfaces 

As previously described, intergranular corrosion is an attack along grain boundaries of improperly or inadequately heattreated alloys, resulting from precipitation of dissimilar constituents following heat treatment. In its most severe form, actual lifting of metal layers (exfoliation) occurs.  

More severe cleaning is a must when intergranular corrosion is present. The mechanical removal of all corrosion products and visible delaminated metal layers must be accomplished to determine the extent of the destruction and to evaluate the remaining structural strength of the component. Corrosion depth and removal limits have been established for some aircraft. Any loss of structural strength must be evaluated prior to repair or replacement of the part. If the manufacturer’s limits do not adequately address the damage, a designated engineering representative (DER) can be brought in to assess the damage.

Dissimilar metal corrosion

Corrosion of Magnesium Alloys 

Magnesium is the most chemically active of the metals used in aircraft construction and is the most difficult to protect. When a failure in the protective coating does occur, the prompt and complete correction of the coating failure is imperative if serious structural damage is to be avoided. Magnesium attack is probably the easiest type of corrosion to detect in its early stages, since magnesium corrosion products occupy several times the volume of the original magnesium metal destroyed. The beginning of attack shows as a lifting of the paint film and white spots on the magnesium surface. These rapidly develop into snow-like mounds or even “white whiskers.” Reprotection involves the removal of corrosion products, the partial restoration of surface coatings by chemical treatment, and a reapplication of protective coatings.  

Treatment of Wrought Magnesium Sheet and Forgings 

Magnesium skin corrosion usually occurs around edges of skin panels, underneath washers, or in areas physically damaged by shearing, drilling, abrasion, or impact. If the skin section can be removed easily, do so to assure complete inhibition and treatment. If insulating washers are involved, loosen screws sufficiently to permit brush treatment of the magnesium under the insulating washer. Complete mechanical removal of corrosion products is to be practiced insofar as practicable. Limit such mechanical cleaning to the use of stiff, hog bristle brushes and similar nonmetallic cleaning tools (including nonwoven abrasive pads), particularly if treatment is to be performed under field conditions. Like aluminum, under no circumstances are steel or aluminum tools; steel, bronze, or aluminum wool; or other cleaning abrasive pads used on different metal surfaces to be used in cleaning magnesium. Any entrapment of particles from steel wire brushes or steel tools, or contamination of treated surfaces by dirty abrasives, can cause more trouble than the initial corrosive attack.

Treatment of Titanium and Titanium Alloys 

Attack on titanium surfaces is generally difficult to detect. Titanium is, by nature, highly corrosion resistant, but it may show deterioration from the presence of salt deposits and metal impurities, particularly at high temperatures. Therefore, the use of steel wool, iron scrapers, or steel brushes for cleaning or for the removal of corrosion from titanium parts is prohibited. 

If titanium surfaces require cleaning, hand polishing with aluminum polish or a mild abrasive is permissible if fiber brushes only are used and if the surface is treated following cleaning with a suitable solution of sodium dichromate. Wipe the treated surface with dry cloths to remove excess solution, but do not use a water rinse.

Protection of Dissimilar Metal Contacts 

Certain metals are subject to corrosion when placed in contact with other metals. This is commonly referred to as electrolytic or dissimilar metals corrosion. Contact of different bare metals creates an electrolytic action when moisture is present. If this moisture is salt water, the electrolytic action is accelerated. The result of dissimilar metal contact is oxidation (decomposition) of one or both metals. The chart shown in Figure lists the metal combinations requiring a protective separator. The separating materials may be metal primer, aluminum tape, washers, grease, or sealant, depending on the metals involved.

Chemical Treatments


Anodizing is the most common surface treatment of nonclad aluminum alloy surfaces. It is typically done in specialized facilities in accordance with MIL-DTL-5541F or AMS-C-5541A. The aluminum alloy sheet or casting is the positive pole in an electrolytic bath in which chromic acid or other oxidizing agent produces an aluminum oxide film on the metal surface. Aluminum oxide is naturally protective. Anodizing merely increases the thickness and density of the natural oxide film. When this coating is damaged in service, it can only be partially restored by chemical surface treatments. Therefore, when an anodized surface is cleaned including corrosion removal, the technician must avoid unnecessary destruction of the oxide film. The anodized coating provides excellent resistance to corrosion. The coating is soft and easily scratched, making it necessary to use extreme caution when handling it prior to coating it with primer.

Aluminum wool, nylon webbing impregnated with aluminum oxide abrasive, fine grade, nonwoven abrasive pads, or fiber bristle brushes are the approved tools for cleaning anodized surfaces. The use of steel wool, steel wire brushes, or harsh abrasive materials on any aluminum surface is prohibited. Producing a buffed or wire brush finish by any means is also prohibited. Otherwise, anodized surfaces are treated in much the same manner as other aluminum finishes.

In addition to its corrosion resistant qualities, the anodic coating is also an excellent bond for paint. In most cases, parts are primed and painted as soon as possible after anodizing. The anodic coating is a poor conductor of electricity; therefore, if parts require bonding, the coating is removed where the bonding wire is to be attached. Alclad surfaces that are to be left unpainted require no anodic treatment; however, if the Alclad surface is to be painted, it is usually anodized to provide a bond for the paint.


Alodizing is a simple chemical treatment for all aluminum alloys to increase their corrosion resistance and to improve their paint bonding qualities. Because of its simplicity, it is rapidly replacing anodizing in aircraft work. 

The process consists of precleaning with an acidic or alkaline metal cleaner that is applied by either dipping or spraying. The parts are then rinsed with fresh water under pressure for 10 to 15 seconds. After thorough rinsing, Alodine® is applied by dipping, spraying, or brushing. A thin, hard coating results, ranging in color from light, bluish green with a slight iridescence on copper free alloys to an olive green on copper bearing alloys. The Alodine® is first rinsed with clear, cold or warm water for a period of 15 to 30 seconds. An additional 10 to 15 second rinse is then given in a Deoxylyte® bath. This bath is to counteract alkaline material and to make the Alodine® aluminum surface slightly acid on drying.

Chemical Surface Treatment and Inhibitors 

As previously described, aluminum and magnesium alloys in particular are protected originally by a variety of surface treatments. Steels may have been treated on the surface during manufacture. Most of these coatings can only be restored by processes that are completely impractical in the field. However, corroded areas where such protective films have been destroyed require some type of treatment prior to refinishing.

The labels on the containers of surface treatment chemicals provide warnings if a material is toxic or flammable. However, the label might not be large enough to accommodate a list of all the possible hazards that may ensue if the materials are mixed with incompatible substances. The Safety Data Sheet (SDS) should also be consulted for information. For example, some chemicals used in surface treatments react violently if inadvertently mixed with paint thinners. Chemical surface treatment materials must be handled with extreme care and mixed exactly according to directions.

Chromic Acid Inhibitor 

A 10 percent solution by weight of chromic acid, activated by a small amount of sulfuric acid, is particularly effective in treating exposed or corroded aluminum surfaces. It may also be used to treat corroded magnesium. This treatment tends to restore the protective oxide coating on the metal surface. Such treatment must be followed by regular paint finishes as soon as practicable and never later than the same day as the latest chromic acid treatment. Chromium trioxide flake is a powerful oxidizing agent and a fairly strong acid. It must be stored away from organic solvents and other combustibles. Either thoroughly rinse or dispose of wiping cloths used in chromic acid pickup.   

Sodium Dichromate Solution 

A less active chemical mixture for surface treatment of aluminum is a solution of sodium dichromate and chromic acid. Entrapped solutions of this mixture are less likely to corrode metal surfaces than chromic acid inhibitor solutions.

Chemical Surface Treatments 

Several commercial, activated chromate acid mixtures are available under Specification MIL-C-5541 for field treatment of damaged or corroded aluminum surfaces. Take precautions to make sure that sponges or cloths used are thoroughly rinsed to avoid a possible fire hazard after drying.

Powerplant Cleaning 

Cleaning the powerplant is an important job and must be done thoroughly. Grease and dirt accumulations on an air-cooled engine provide an effective insulation against the cooling effect of air flowing over it. Such an accumulation can also cover up cracks or other defects. 

When cleaning an engine, open or remove the cowling as much as possible. Beginning with the top, wash down the engine and accessories with a fine spray of kerosene or solvent. A bristle brush may be used to help clean some of the surfaces.

Fresh water, soap, and approved cleaning solvents may be used for cleaning propeller and rotor blades. Except in the process of etching, caustic material must not be used on a propeller. Scrapers, power buffers, steel brushes, or any tool or substances that mar or scratch the surface must not be used on propeller blades, except as recommended for etching and repair.

Dissimilar metal contacts that will result in electrolytic corrosion.

Solvent Cleaners 

In general, solvent cleaners used in aircraft cleaning must have a flashpoint of not less than 105 °F, if explosion proofing of equipment and other special precautions are to be avoided. Chlorinated solvents of all types meet the nonflammable requirements, but are toxic. Safety precautions must be observed in their use. Use of carbon tetrachloride is to be avoided. The SDS for each solvent must be consulted for handling and safety information.  

AMTs must review the SDS available for any chemical, solvent, or other materials they may come in contact with during the course of their maintenance activities. In particular, solvents and cleaning liquids, even those considered “environmentally friendly,” can have varied detrimental effects on the skin, internal organs, and/or nervous system. Active solvents, such as methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) and acetone, can be harmful or fatal if swallowed, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin in sufficient quantities.

Dry Cleaning Solvent 

Stoddard solvent is the most common petroleum base solvent used in aircraft cleaning. Its flashpoint is slightly above 105 °F and can be used to remove grease, oils, or light soils. Dry cleaning solvent is preferable to kerosene for all cleaning purposes, but like kerosene, it leaves a slight residue upon evaporation that may interfere with the application of some final paint films.

Aliphatic and Aromatic Naphtha 

Aliphatic naphtha is recommended for wipe down of cleaned surfaces just before painting. This material can also be used for cleaning acrylics and rubber. It flashes at approximately 80 °F and must be used with care. Aromatic naphtha must not be confused with the aliphatic material. It is toxic, attacks acrylics and rubber products, and must be used with adequate controls. 

Safety Solvent 

Safety solvent, trichloroethane (methyl chloroform), is used for general cleaning and grease removal. It is nonflammable under ordinary circumstances and is used as a replacement for carbon tetrachloride. The use and safety precautions necessary when using chlorinated solvents must be observed. Prolonged use can cause dermatitis on some persons.

Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) 

MEK is also available as a solvent cleaner for metal surfaces and paint stripper for small areas. This is a very active solvent and metal cleaner with a flashpoint of about 24 °F. It is toxic when inhaled, and safety precautions must be observed during its use. In most instances, it has been replaced with safer to handle and more environmentally-friendly cleaning solvents.


Kerosene is mixed with solvent emulsion-type cleaners for softening heavy preservative coatings. It is also used for general solvent cleaning, but its use must be followed by a coating or rinse with some other type of protective agent. Kerosene does not evaporate as rapidly as dry cleaning solvent and generally leaves an appreciable film on cleaned  surfaces that may actually be corrosive. Kerosene films may be removed with safety solvent, water emulsion cleaners, or detergent mixtures.

Cleaning Compound for Oxygen Systems 

Cleaning compounds for use in the oxygen system are anhydrous (waterless) ethyl alcohol or isopropyl (antiicing fluid) alcohol. These may be used to clean accessible components of the oxygen system, such as crew masks and lines. Fluids must not be put into tanks or regulators. 

Emulsion Cleaners 

Solvent and water emulsion compounds are used in general aircraft cleaning. Solvent emulsions are particularly useful in the removal of heavy deposits, such as carbon, grease, oil, or tar. When used in accordance with instructions, these solvent emulsions do not affect good paint coatings or organic finishes.  

Water Emulsion Cleaner 

Material available under Specification MIL-C-22543A is a water emulsion cleaning compound intended for use on both painted and unpainted aircraft surfaces. This material is also acceptable for cleaning fluorescent painted surfaces and is safe for use on acrylics. However, these properties vary with the material available. A sample application must be checked carefully before general uncontrolled use. 

Solvent Emulsion Cleaners 

One type of solvent emulsion cleaner is nonphenolic and can be safely used on painted surfaces without softening the base paint. Repeated use may soften acrylic nitrocellulose lacquers. It is effective, however, in softening and lifting heavy preservative coatings. Persistent materials are to be given a second or third treatment as necessary.

Another type of solvent emulsion cleaner has a phenolic base that is more effective for heavy-duty application, but it also tends to soften paint coatings. It must be used with care around rubber, plastics, or other nonmetallic materials. Wear rubber gloves and goggles for protection when working with phenolic base cleaners.

Soaps and Detergent Cleaners 

A number of materials are available for mild cleaning use. In this section, some of the more common materials are discussed.  

Cleaning Compound, Aircraft Surfaces 

Specification MIL-C-5410 Type I and II materials are used in general cleaning of painted and unpainted aircraft surfaces for the removal of light to medium soils, operational films, oils, or greases. They are safe to use on all surfaces, including fabrics, leather, and transparent plastics. Nonglare (flat) finishes are not to be cleaned more than necessary and must never be scrubbed with stiff brushes.

Nonionic Detergent Cleaners 

These materials may be either water-soluble or oil-soluble. The oil-soluble detergent cleaner is effective in a 3 to 5 percent solution in dry cleaning solvent for softening and removing heavy preservative coatings. This mixture’s performance is similar to the emulsion cleaners mentioned previously. 

Chemical Cleaners 

Chemical cleaners must be used with great care in cleaning assembled aircraft. The danger of entrapping corrosive materials in faying surfaces and crevices counteracts any advantages in their speed and effectiveness. Any materials used must be relatively neutral and easy to remove. It is emphasized that all residues must be removed. Soluble salts from chemical surface treatments, such as chromic acid or dichromate treatment, liquefy and promote blistering in the paint coatings. 

Phosphoric-citric Acid 

A phosphoric-citric acid mixture (Type I) for cleaning aluminum surfaces is available and is ready to use as packaged. Type II is a concentrate that must be diluted with mineral spirits and water. Wear rubber gloves and goggles to avoid skin contact. Any acid burns may be neutralized by copious water washing, followed by treatment with a diluted solution of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate).

Baking Soda 

Baking soda may be used to neutralize acid deposits in lead-acid battery compartments and to treat acid burns from chemical cleaners and inhibitors. Baking soda may be used to neutralize acid deposits in lead-acid battery compartments and to treat acid burns from chemical cleaners and inhibitors. 

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