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πŸ”΅✈️ Most important features of Aircraft Oxygen Systems 🚁

Aircraft Oxygen Systems

The negative effects of reduced atmospheric pressure at flight altitudes, forcing less oxygen into the blood, can be overcome. There are two ways this is commonly done: increase the pressure of the oxygen or increase the quantity of oxygen in the air mixture.

Large transport-category and high-performance passenger aircraft pressurize the air in the cabin. This serves to push more of the normal 21 percent oxygen found in the air into the blood for saturation. Techniques for pressurization are discussed later in this chapter. When utilized, the percentage of oxygen available for breathing remains the same; only the pressure is increased.

By increasing the quantity of oxygen available in the lungs, less pressure is required to saturate the blood. This is the basic function of an aircraft oxygen system. Increasing the level of oxygen above the 21 percent found in the atmosphere can offset the reduced pressure encountered as altitude increases. Oxygen may be regulated into the air that is breathed so as to maintain a sufficient amount for blood saturation. Normal mental and physical activity can be maintained at indicated altitudes of up to about 40,000 feet with the sole use of supplemental oxygen.

Oxygen systems that increase the quantity of oxygen in breathing air are most commonly used as primary systems in small and medium size aircraft designed without cabin pressurization. Pressurized aircraft utilize oxygen systems as a means of redundancy should pressurization fail. Portable oxygen equipment may also be aboard for first aid purposes. 

Gaseous Oxygen 

Oxygen is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas at normal atmospheric temperatures and pressures. It transforms into a liquid at –183 °C (its boiling point). Oxygen combines readily with most elements and numerous compounds. This combining is called oxidation. Typically, oxidation produces heat. When something burns, it is actually rapidly combining with oxygen. Oxygen itself does not burn because it does not combine with itself, except to form oxygen or ozone. But, pure oxygen combines violently with petroleum products creating a significant hazard when handling these materials in close proximity to each other. Nevertheless, oxygen and various petroleum fuels combine to create the energy produced in internal combustion engines. 

Pure gaseous oxygen, or nearly pure gaseous oxygen, is stored and transported in high-pressure cylinders that are typically painted green. Technicians should be cautious to keep pure oxygen away from fuel, oil, and grease to prevent unwanted combustion. Not all oxygen in containers is the same. Aviator’s breathing oxygen is tested for the presence of water. This is done to avoid the possibility of it freezing in the small passage ways of valves and regulators. Ice could prevent delivery of the oxygen when needed. Aircraft often operate in subzero temperatures, increasing the possibility of icing. The water level should be a maximum of .02ml per liter of oxygen. The words “Aviator’s Breathing Oxygen” should be marked clearly on any cylinders containing oxygen for this purpose. 

Production of gaseous oxygen for commercial or aircraft cylinders is often through a process of liquefying air. By controlling temperature and pressure, the nitrogen in the air can be allowed to boil off leaving mostly pure oxygen. Oxygen may also be produced by the electrolysis of water. Passing electric current through water separates the oxygen from the hydrogen. One further method of producing gaseous oxygen is by separating the nitrogen and oxygen in the air through the use of a molecular sieve. This membrane filters out nitrogen and some of the other gases in air, leaving nearly pure oxygen for use. Onboard oxygen sieves, or oxygen concentrators as they are sometimes called, are used on some military aircraft. Their use in civil aviation is expected. 

Use of portable pulse oximeters has become more common in aviation. These devices measure the oxygen saturation level of the blood. With this information, adjustments to the oxygen flow rates of onboard oxygen equipment can be made to prevent hypoxia. Figure shows an oximeter into which a finger is inserted to measure oxygen saturation of the blood in percentage. Heart rate is also displayed. 

Liquid Oxygen 

Liquid oxygen (LOX) is a pale blue, transparent liquid. Oxygen can be made liquid by lowering the temperature to below –183 °C or by placing gaseous oxygen under pressure. A combination of these is accomplished with a Dewar bottle. This special container is used to store and transport liquid oxygen. It uses an evacuated, double-walled insulation design to keep the liquid oxygen under pressure at a very low temperature. A controlled amount of oxygen is allowed to vaporize and is plumbed into a gaseous oxygen delivery system downstream of a converter that is part of the container assembly.

A small quantity of LOX can be converted to an enormous amount of gaseous oxygen, resulting in the use of very little storage space compared to that needed for high-pressure gaseous oxygen cylinders. However, the difficulty of handling LOX, and the expense of doing so, has resulted in the container system used for gaseous oxygen to proliferate throughout civilian aviation. LOX is used in military aviation and some medical helicopter applications for patient oxygen.

Chemical or Solid Oxygen 

Sodium chlorate has a unique characteristic. When ignited, it produces oxygen as it burns. This can be filtered and delivered through a hose to a mask that can be worn and breathed directly by the user. Solid oxygen candles, as they are called, are formed chunks of sodium chlorate wrapped inside insulated stainless-steel housings to control the heat produced when activated. The chemical oxygen supply is often ignited by a spring-loaded firing pin that when pulled, releases a hammer that smashes a cap creating a spark to light the candle. Electric ignition via a current-induced hot wire also exists. Once lit, a sodium chlorate oxygen generator cannot be extinguished. It produces a steady flow of breathable oxygen until it burns out, typically generating 10–20 minutes of oxygen. 

Solid oxygen generators are primarily used as backup oxygen devices on pressurized aircraft. They are one-third as heavy as gaseous oxygen systems that use heavy storage tanks for the same quantity of oxygen available. Sodium chlorate chemical oxygen generators also have a long shelf life, making them perfect as a standby form of oxygen. They are inert below 400 °F and can remain stored with little maintenance or inspection until needed, or until their expiration date is reached.

The feature of not extinguishing once lit limits the use of solid oxygen since it becomes an all-or-nothing source. The generators must be replaced if used, which can greatly increase the cost of using them as a source of oxygen for short periods of time. Moreover, chemical oxygen candles must be transported with extreme caution and as hazardous materials. They must be properly packed, and their ignition devices deactivated.

Onboard Oxygen Generating Systems (OBOGS) 

The molecular sieve method of separating oxygen from the other gases in air has application in flight, as well as on the ground. The sieves are relatively light in weight and relieve the aviator of a need for ground support for the oxygen supply. Onboard oxygen generating systems on military aircraft pass bleed air from turbine engines through a sieve that separates the oxygen for breathing use. Some of the separated oxygen is also used to purge the sieve of the nitrogen and other gases that keep it fresh for use. Use of this type of oxygen production in civilian aircraft is anticipated.

Oxygen Systems and Components 

Built-in and portable oxygen systems are used in civilian aviation. They use gaseous or solid oxygen (oxygen generators) as suits the purpose and aircraft. LOX systems and molecular sieve oxygen systems are not discussed, as current applications on civilian aircraft are limited.

Gaseous Oxygen Systems 

The use of gaseous oxygen in aviation is common; however, applications vary. On a light aircraft, it may consist of a small carry-on portable cylinder with a single mask attached via a hose to a regulator on the bottle. Larger portable cylinders may be fitted with a regulator that divides the outlet flow for 2–4 people. Built-in oxygen systems on high performance and light twin-engine aircraft typically have a location where oxygen cylinders are installed to feed a distribution system via tubing and a regulator. The passenger compartment may have multiple breathing stations plumbed so that each passenger can individually plug in a hose and mask if oxygen is needed. A central regulator is normally controlled by the flight crew who may have their own separate regulator and oxygen cylinder. Transport category aircraft may use an elaborate built-in gaseous oxygen system as a backup system to cabin pressurization. In all of these cases, oxygen is stored as a gas at atmospheric temperature in high-pressure cylinders. It is distributed through a system with various components that are described in this section.

Aircraft Oxygen Systems

Oxygen Storage Cylinders 

Gaseous oxygen is stored and transported in high-pressure cylinders. Traditionally, these have been heavy steel tanks rated for 1800–1850 psi of pressure and capable of maintaining pressure up to 2,400 psi. While these performed adequately, lighter weight tanks were sought. Some newer cylinders are comprised of a lightweight aluminum shell wrapped by Kevlar®. These cylinders are capable of carrying the same amount of oxygen at the same pressure as steel tanks but weigh much less. Also available are heavy-walled all-aluminum cylinders. These units are common as carry-on portable oxygen used in light aircraft.

Continuous-Flow Systems 

In its simplest form, a continuous-flow oxygen system allows oxygen to exit the storage tank through a valve and passes it through a regulator/reducer attached to the top of the tank. The flow of high-pressure oxygen passes through a section of the regulator that reduces the pressure of the oxygen, which is then fed into a hose attached to a mask worn by the user. Once the valve is opened, the flow of oxygen is continuous. Even when the user is exhaling, or when the mask is not in use, a preset flow of oxygen continues until the tank valve is closed. On some systems, fine adjustment to the flow can be made with an adjustable flow indicator that is installed in the hose in line to the mask. 

A more sophisticated continuous-flow oxygen system uses a regulator that is adjustable to provide varying amounts of oxygen flow to match increasing need as altitude increases. These regulators can be manual or automatic in design. Manual continuous-flow regulators are adjusted by the crew as altitude changes. Automatic continuous-flow regulators have a built in aneroid. As the aneroid expands with altitude, a mechanism allows more oxygen to flow though the regulator to the users.

Demand-Flow Systems 

When oxygen is delivered only as the user inhales, or on demand, it is known as a demand-flow system. During the hold and exhalation periods of breathing, the oxygen supply is stopped. Thus, the duration of the oxygen supply is prolonged as none is wasted. Demand-flow systems are used most frequently by the crew on high performance and air transport category aircraft. 

Demand-flow systems are similar to continuous-flow systems in that a cylinder delivers oxygen through a valve when opened. The tank pressure gauge, filter(s), pressure relief valve, and any plumbing installed to refill the cylinder while installed on the aircraft are all similar to those in a continuousflow system. The high-pressure oxygen also passes through a pressure reducer and a regulator to adjust the pressure and flow to the user. But, demand-flow oxygen regulators differ significantly from continuous-flow oxygen regulators. They work in conjunction with close-fitting demand-type masks to control the flow of oxygen.

Flow Indicators 

Flow indicators, or flow meters, are common in all oxygen systems. They usually consist of a lightweight object, or apparatus, that is moved by the oxygen stream. When flow exists, this movement signals the user in some way. Many flow meters in continuous-flow oxygen systems also double as flow rate adjusters. Needle valves fitted into the flow indicator housing can fine-adjust the oxygen delivery rate. Demand-flow oxygen systems usually have flow indicators built into the individual regulators at each user station. Some contain a blinking device that activates when the user inhales and oxygen is delivered. Others move a colored pith object into a window. Regardless, flow indicators provide a quick verification that an oxygen system is functioning.

Oxygen Plumbing and Valves 

Tubing and fittings make up most of the oxygen system plumbing and connect the various components. Most lines are metal in permanent installations. High-pressure lines are usually stainless steel. Tubing in the low-pressure parts of the oxygen system is typically aluminum. Flexible plastic hosing is used deliver oxygen to the masks; its use is increasing in permanent installations to save weight. 

Chemical Oxygen Systems 

The two primary types of chemical oxygen systems are the portable type, much like a portable carry-on gaseous oxygen cylinder, and the fully integrated supplementary oxygen system used as backup on pressurized aircraft in case of pressurization failure. This latter use of solid chemical oxygen generators is most common on airliners. The generators are stored in the overhead PSU attached to hoses and masks for every passenger on board the aircraft. When a depressurization occurs, or the flight crew activates a switch, a compartment door opens, and the masks and hoses fall out in front of the passengers. The action of pulling the mask down to a usable position actuates an electric current, or ignition hammer, that ignites the oxygen candle and initiates the flow of oxygen. Typically, 10 to 20 minutes of oxygen is available for each user. This is calculated to be enough time for the aircraft to descend to a safe altitude for unassisted breathing.

LOX Systems 

LOX systems are rarely used in civilian aviation. They may be encountered on former military aircraft now in the civilian fleet. As mentioned, the storage of LOX requires a special container system. The plumbing arrangement to convert the liquid to a usable gas is also unique. It basically consists of a controlled heat exchange assembly of tubing and valves. Overboard pressure relief is provided for excessive temperature situations. Once gaseous, the LOX system is the same as it is in any comparable gaseous oxygen delivery system. Use of pressure-demand regulators and masks is common. Consult the manufacturer’s maintenance manual for further information if a LOX system is encountered.

Oxygen System Servicing 

Servicing Gaseous Oxygen 

Gaseous oxygen systems are prevalent in general, corporate, and airline aviation. The use of lightweight aluminum and composite storage cylinders has improved these simple and reliable life support systems. All gaseous oxygen systems require servicing and maintenance. Various procedures and requirements to perform these functions are covered in this section.

Leak Testing Gaseous Oxygen Systems 

Leaks in a continuous-flow oxygen system may be difficult to detect because the system is open at the user end. Blocking the flow of oxygen allows pressure to build and leak check procedures can be followed that are similar to those used in the high-pressure sections of the systems. Detection of leaks should be performed with oxygen-safe leak check fluid. This is a soapy liquid free from elements that might react with pure oxygen or contaminate the system. As with leak detection on an inflated tire or tube assembly, the oxygen leak detection solution is applied to the outside of fittings and mating surfaces. The formation of bubbles indicates a leak.

Draining an Oxygen System 

The biggest factor in draining an oxygen system is safety. The oxygen must be released into the atmosphere without causing a fire, explosion, or hazard. Draining outside is highly recommended. The exact method of draining can vary. The basic procedure involves establishing a continuous flow in a safe area until the system is empty.  

If the cylinder valve is operative, close the valve to isolate the oxygen supply in the cylinder. All that remains is to empty the lines and components. This can be done without disassembling the system by letting oxygen flow from the delivery point(s). If the environment is safe to receive the oxygen, positioning a demand-flow regulator to the emergency setting delivers a continuous flow of oxygen to the mask when plugged in. Hang the mask(s) out of a window while the system drains. Plug in all mask(s) to allow oxygen to drain from a continuous-flow oxygen system. Systems without check valves can be drained by opening the refill valve.

Aircraft Oxygen Systems

Filling an Oxygen System 

Filling procedures for oxygen systems vary. Many general aviation aircraft are set up to simply replace an empty cylinder with one that is fully charged. This is also the case with a portable oxygen system. High performance and air transport category aircraft often have built-in oxygen systems that contain plumbing designed to refill gaseous oxygen cylinders while they are in place. A general discussion of the procedure to fill this type of installation follows.

Before charging any oxygen system, consult the aircraft manufacturer’s maintenance manual. The type of oxygen to be used, safety precautions, equipment to be used, and the procedures for filling and testing the system must be observed. Several general precautions should also be observed when servicing a gaseous oxygen system. Oxygen valves should be opened slowly, and filling should proceed slowly to avoid overheating. The hose from the refill source to the oxygen fill valve on the aircraft should be purged of air before it is used to transfer oxygen into the system. Pressures should also be checked frequently while refilling.

Purging an Oxygen System 

The inside of an oxygen system becomes completely saturated with oxygen during use. This is desirable to deliver clean, odor-free oxygen to the users and to prevent corrosion caused by contamination. An oxygen system needs to be purged if it has been opened or depleted for more than 2 hours, or if it is suspected that the system has been contaminated. Purging is accomplished to evacuate contaminants and to restore oxygen saturation to the inside of the system.

Filling LOX Systems 

The use of LOX in civilian aviation is rare. The most common and safest way to fill a LOX system is to simply exchange the storage unit for one that is full. However, filling LOX on the aircraft is possible. 

A portable fill cart is used, and all of the same precautions must be observed as when servicing a high-pressure gaseous oxygen system. Additionally, protection from cold burns is necessary. Due to the amount of gaseous oxygen released during the process, refilling should be accomplished outside. The servicing cart is attached to the aircraft system through a fill valve. The buildup/vent valve on the LOX container assembly is placed in the vent position. The valve on the service cart is then opened. LOX flows into the aircraft system; some vaporizes and cools the entire setup. This gaseous oxygen flows overboard through the vent valve while the system fills. When a steady stream of LOX flows from the vent valve, the system is filled. The valve is then switched to the buildup position. The aircraft refill valve and cart supply valves are closed, and the hose is removed.

Inspection of Masks and Hoses 

The wide varieties of oxygen masks used in aviation require periodic inspection. Mask and hose integrity ensure effective delivery of oxygen to the user when it is needed. Sometimes this is in an emergency situation. Leaks, holes, and tears are not acceptable. Most discrepancies of this type are remedied by replacement of the damaged unit.

Some continuous-flow masks are designed for disposal after use. Be sure there is a mask for each potential user on board the aircraft. Masks designed to be reused should be clean, as well as functional. This reduces the danger of infection and prolongs the life of the mask. Various mild cleaners and antiseptics that are free of petroleum products can be used. A supply of individually wrapped alcohol swabs are often kept in the cockpit.

Built-in microphones should be operational. Donning straps and fittings should be in good condition and function so that the mask is held firm to the user’s face. Note that the diameter of mask hoses in a continuous-flow system is quite a bit smaller than those used in a demand-flow system. This is because the inside diameter of the hose aids in controlling flow rate. Masks for each kind of system are made to only connect to the proper hose.

Prevention of Oxygen Fires or Explosions 

Precautions must be observed when working with or around pure oxygen. It readily combines with other substances, some in a violent and explosive manner. As mentioned, it is extremely important to keep distance between pure oxygen and petroleum products. When allowed to combine, an explosion can result. Additionally, there are a variety of inspection and maintenance practices that should be followed to ensure safety when working with oxygen and oxygen systems. Care should be used and, as much as possible, maintenance should be done outside.  

When working on an oxygen system, it is essential that the warnings and precautions given in the aircraft maintenance manual be carefully observed. Before any work is attempted, an adequate fire extinguisher should be on hand. Cordon off the area and post “NO SMOKING” placards. Ensure that all tools and servicing equipment are clean and avoid power on checks and use of the aircraft electrical system.

Oxygen System Inspection and Maintenance 

When working around oxygen and oxygen systems, cleanliness enhances safety. Clean, grease-free hands, clothes, and tools are essential. A good practice is to use only tools dedicated for work on oxygen systems. There should be absolutely no smoking or open flames within a minimum of 50 feet of the work area. Always use protective caps and plugs when working with oxygen cylinders, system components, or plumbing. Do not use any kind of adhesive tape. Oxygen cylinders should be stored in a designated, cool, ventilated area in the hangar away from petroleum products or heat sources.

Oxygen system maintenance should not be accomplished until the valve on the oxygen supply cylinder is closed and pressure is released from the system. Fittings should be unscrewed slowly to allow any residual pressure to dissipate. All oxygen lines should be marked and should have at least 2 inches of clearance from moving parts, electrical wiring, and all fluid lines. Adequate clearance must also be provided from hot ducts and other sources that might heat the oxygen. A pressure and leak check must be performed each time the system is opened for maintenance. Do not use any lubricants, sealers, cleaners, etc., unless specifically approved for oxygen system use.

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