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πŸ”΅✈️ Most important features of Electronic Attitude Director Indicator (EADI) on an airplane 🚁

Electronic Attitude Director Indicator (EADI)

The EADI is an advanced version of attitude and electric attitude indicators previously discussed. In addition to displaying the aircraft’s attitude, numerous other situational flight parameters are displayed. Most notable are those that relate to instrument approaches and the flight director command bars. Annunciation of active systems, such as the AFCS and navigation systems, is typical.

The concept behind an EADI is to put all data related to the flight situation in close proximity for easy observation by the pilot. Most EADIs can be switched between different display screens depending on the preference of the pilot and the phase of flight. EADIs vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and aircraft to aircraft. However, most of the same information is displayed.

Some of the many parameters and features of an electronic attitude director indicator (EADI).

EADIs can be housed in a single instrument housing or can be part of an electronic instrument display system. One such system, the electronic flight instrument system (EFIS), uses a cathode ray tube EADI display driven by a signal generator. Large-screen glass cockpit displays use LCD technology to display EADI information as part of an entire situational display directly in front of the pilot in the middle of the instrument panel. Regardless, the EADI is the primary flight instrument used for aircraft attitude information during instrument flying and especially during instrument approaches. It is almost always accompanied by an electronic horizontal situation indicator (EHSI) located just below it in the display panel. 

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