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πŸ”΅✈️ Most important characteristics of Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicators (EHSI) in an aircraft 🚁

Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicators (EHSI)

The EHSI is an evolved version of the horizontal situation indicator (HSI), which was born from the gyroscopic direction indicator or directional gyro. The HSI incorporates directional information to two different navigational aids, as well as the heading of the aircraft. The EHSI does this and more. Its primary purpose is to display as much useful navigational information as possible.

In conjunction with a flight management computer and a display controller, an EHSI can display information in PLAN, MAP, VOR, and ILS modes. The PLAN mode shows a fixed map of the input flight plan. This usually includes all selected navigational aids for each flight segment and the destination airport. The MAP mode shows the aircraft against a detailed moving map background. Active and inactive navigational aids are shown, as well as other airports and waypoints. Weather radar information may be selected to be shown in scale as a background. Some HSIs can depict other air traffic when integrated with the TCAS system. Unlike a standard HSI, an EHSI may show only the pertinent portion of the compass rose. Annunciation of active mode and selected features appear with other pertinent information, such as distance and arrival time to the next waypoint, airport designators, wind direction and speed, and more. There are many different displays that vary by manufacturer. 

An EHSI presents navigational information for the entire flight. The pilot selects the mode most useful for a particular phase of flight, ranging from navigational planning to instrument approach to landing. The MAP mode is used during most of the flight.

The VOR view of an EHSI presents a more traditional focus on a selected VOR, or other navigational station being used, during a particular flight segment. The entire compass rose, the traditional lateral deviation pointer, to/from information, heading, and distance information are standard. Other information may also be displayed. The ILS mode of an EHSI shows the aircraft in relation to the ILS approach aids and selected runway with varying degrees of details. With this information displayed, the pilot need not consult printed airport approach information, allowing full attention to flying the aircraft.


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